The Faculty of Law Achieves Excellent Accreditation

Mataram, the Faculty of Law – the Faculty of Law Unram achieved Excellent Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT), valid from 5th of September 2023 to 9th of June 2025. The achievement of the accreditation was determined through a decision Higher Education National Accreditation Board Number 3542/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/S/IX/2023. The excellent accreditation certificate for the Bachelor of Law Study Program was signed by the Director of the Executive Board of BAN-PT, Prof. Ari Purbayanto, Ph.D.
The Head of Law Study Program, Dr. Hj. Rina Khairani Pancaningrum, S.H., LL.M., on Wednesday (7/9) felt grateful for the achievement of this excellent accreditation. She expressed her gratitude for the support and prayers of all parties involved.
“Alhamdulillah, this achievement is due to the prayers and supports of various parties, not only at the Bachelor of Science Study Program, but also at the University level, LPPM, LPM, the Dean of FH Unram, leaders at FH Unram, lecturers and students and staff all unit in the common desire to achieve better achievements and strive to maintain better achievements,” he said.
She hopes that the achievement of this Excellent accreditation can be a spark of enthusiasm for the six study programs at the Faculty of Law Unram. In the future, she hopes to achieve international accreditation along with other study programs at Unram.
“We both support each other to achieve Excellent accreditation so that Unram is on par with other universities, in accordance with Unram’s vision, to become an internationally competitive research-based higher education institution,” concluded Rina Khairani.
The Dean of the Faculty of Law Unram, Dr. Lalu Wira Pria Suhartana, S.H., M.H., said that the title of Excellence is the highest rank in BAN-PT accreditation. He hopes that the achievement of superior accreditation from the Bachelor of Law Study Program will be an inspiration and encouragement to improve the accreditation of other study programs at the Faculty of Law Unram.
“Thank you to the Rector of Unram, the Head of LPMPP, UP Accreditation Acceleration, and the FH Undergraduate Accreditation Team who have worked hard, as well as all the academic community involved. Hopefully FH Unram can play a role in improving the quality of the nation’s human resources,” said the Dean.
The Rector of Unram, Prof. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., also congratulated him on achieving this accreditation. “Congratulations and success on achieving the Excellent Accreditation certificate in the Unram Bachelor of Law program,” said the Rector.