The Faculty of Law, Universitas Mataram Public Lecture Series Discussed the Role of the Government in Preventing Human Rights Violations in the Food, Health, and Education Sector

Mataram– Universitas Mataram Faculty of Law (FH Unram) held a Public Lecture with the theme “Constitutional Law Policy in Respecting, Protecting, and Fulfilling Public Health as a Fundamental Human Rights” as one of the series of activities of the International Public Lecture Series – red) . The general lecture was held in the Theater Room of the Faculty of Economics and Business Unram, Thursday (1/9).
The Dean of the Faculty of Law Unram, Dr. Hirsanuddin, SH., M. Hum. said in his speech that this public lecture was one of the efforts made by FH Unram to build good relations with foreign universities. According to him, by expanding the network, FH Unram can build cooperation with various parties so that students can easily carry out internships and research. Hirsanuddin, also said that currently FH Unram is preparing international classes to support the international accreditation of FH Unram.
“Unram Language Center has issued the TOEFL test results for Unram Faculty of Law students who pass through the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways, from 60 people who pass will be screened again to 40 people. Later we will create the forerunner of an international class,” he said when opening the public lecture.
The public lecture speaker which was originally scheduled to be filled by Prof. Khairil Azmin Mochtar from the International Islamic University Malaysia, was unable to attend due to an emergency condition so that it was provided by Hayanul Haq, SH., LL.M., Ph.D.
Dr. Haq is one of the lecturers of the Faculty of Law Unram who has an international and national career. In addition to teaching at the Faculty of Law Unram, Dr. Haq is also a lecturer at Utrecht University, the Netherlands and several universities abroad, while in Indonesia Dr. Haq also teaches at 16 major universities, such as UI, Unair, and UB.
In the public lecture, Dr. Haq added the importance of protecting human rights in various aspects of health. He explained that the protection of human rights to public health is the most basic thing regulated in Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution and is part of the human right to life.
Dr. Haq recounted his experience while living in the Netherlands. He said that in the Netherlands, the right to health is very important, even the Dutch government also provides substitutions for cattle breeders with the aim of fulfilling the protein of the Dutch community, so that no babies are diagnosed with stunting. “Meanwhile, in Indonesia, there are currently 6 million stunting babies,” he said.
He also said that currently the world of health has undergone many developments where the law has not yet regulated it. Efforts that must be made by the government are coherence (adjustment) the laws and regulations that regulate the most important human rights, from the highest to the lowest regulations.
“In addition, the government also needs to carry out the constitutionality of contracts, namely making arrangements for various aspects of human rights so that they can provide justice to the community,” said Dr. Haq.
The Utrecht University graduate also emphasized the importance of the government’s role in protecting the most important human rights, namely the human rights to food, health and education. “The government must not violate the procurement of food, health and education. The government must ensure that everyone can enjoy their rights to food, health and education,” he explained.
He also added that the government should not allow companies and corporations to control and monopolize food, health and education. “The government must prevent companies and corporations from privatizing so that people lose their rights to cheap food, health and education,” he concluded.