The Institude of Research and Community Service University of Mataram Held New National Competitive Research and Service Contract Signing in 2023

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Center for Programs Data and Information of the Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Mataram held the signing of a National Competitive Research and Service Contract for Unram researchers who have passed the National scale selection. The contract signing activity was held in the Main Meeting Room of Institude of Research and Community Service Unram on Thursday, July 6, 2023.
The signing of the Research and Service Contract was attended directly by Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. He was accompanied by Secretary of Institude of Research and Community Service Unram Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP, Prof. Buan Anshari, ST., M.Sc (Eng)., Ph.D as the research coordinator and also several researchers at University of Mataram.
Head of Institude of Research and Community Service Unram, Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr began his remarks with congratulations with pride to the researchers who passed the selection of National Competitive Research and Service proposal. He said that the number of research proposals which submitted in 2023 were 28,353 titles and 17,261 were passed the administrative and substance stages, and 6,441 titles were declared eligible for funding. As for service proposals, the number of proposals which entered wwre 6,854, a total of 1,596 were declared to have passed the administrative and substance stages and 897 had successfully passed for funding.
In 2023, the number of research and service proposals both internal to Higher Education (PNBP) and nationally competitive including PNBP Research were 668 titles and there were 49 titles which funded by PNBP budget IDR 11,322,950,000 and National Competitive IDR 6,555,903,900. Meanwhile, for PNBP funding source dedication were 426 titles and National Competitive were 5 titles. With PNBP budget of IDR. 3,346,250,000 while the National Competitive is IDR. 216,698,000.
The number of proposed data in 2023 for new research is 96 proposals with the number passed and funded were 24 titles. As for the new service, there were 27 proposals with a total of 5 titles were funded. In detail, the National Competitive Research and Service data funded there were 25 advanced research titles with a total budget of IDR. 4,546,003,900 and for new research as many as 24 titles with a total budget of IDR. 2,009,900.00. For the new service titles were 5 titles with a total budget of IDR216,698,000.
“This year, University of Mataram is the second rank with 24 titles or 0.5% of the 5 major universities receiving research and service titles in the main cluster. This is certainly our spirit and collaboration together on how to improve the quality of research proposals and lecturer service in the University of Mataram environment, so that they continue to increase”, said Dr. Sukartono.
Through this opportunity, the Secretary of Institude of Research and Community Service Unram Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP Reminded all researchers who have passed the funding for research proposals and National Competitive community service to carry out and complete all requested outputs, because it is one of the obligations that must be fulfilled by the researchers who were declared passed for funding. He also said that the period for conducting the research as intended began on June 20, 2023 and ended on December 8, 2023.
Progress report on the list of mandatory and additional outputs will be validated by the first parties and the Directorate of Technology Research and Community Service of the Directorate General of Education, Research, and Technology of the first parties no longer than August 16, 2023. Daily notes and comprehensive reports on the implementation of research is on December 5, 2023 (for on-going researchers). Final report, results, posters, scientific articles and profiles by December 5, 2023 for the last year’s research.
The period of service as referred to in Article 1 is counted from June 20, 2023 and will ends on December 1, 2023. The report on the progress of work implementation, to the BIMA website no longer than August 23, 2023. The final report, daily logbook and report on the use of funds for results and other outcomes by December 01, 2023.
In addition, the coordinator of Institude of Research and Community Service and Unram Matching Fund Prof. Buan Anshari, ST., M.Sc (Eng)., Ph.D. said that in 2023 there were 7 proposals will pass the Matching Fund funding with a total budget of 2.148 billion, both funds sourced from cooperation between Unram and the Business / Industrial World (DU / DI) or cooperation with Regional Governments.
The 7 titles of proposals passed the Matching Fund funding, including the Faculty of Food Technology (1 Title), Faculty of Engineering (3 Titles), Faculty of Animal Science (2 Titles), and Faculty of Agriculture (1 Title). The results of this research and service scheme are expected to be able to boost the achievement of Key Performance Indicators.
(IKU) Unram, especially IKU 5 is related to International Publications, Community Service, and Patent Rights.
“To all researchers, I hope to continue to provide constructive suggestions and input, so that Institude of Research and Community Service continues to provide excellent service to improve the quality and quality of the institution,” concluded the Head of Institude of Research and Community Service Unram.