The Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Mataram Held International Publication and Article Writing Assistance Workshop

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Mataram held a hybrid International Publication and Article Writing Assistance Workshop (Sinta) through the Zoom Meeting platform in the Rector’s Meeting Room on the Second Floor of the Unram Rectorate Building on July 1-2, 2023.
This agenda was attended directly by Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as the Chairman of The Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Mataram and he was accompanied by his secretary, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP. The Coordinator of the Community Service Program and Cooperation Service Center Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT, Research Coordinator Prof. Buan Anshari, ST., M.Sc (Eng)., Ph.D. and Coordinator of Journals, Conferences and IPR Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Journal Manager at the University of Mataram also attended in this meeting.
The Coordinator of Journals and Conferences, Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Sc., Ph.D as the Head of the Workshop Committee provided and information in his speech that is in 2023 University of Mataram officially has 60 journals from various fields of science registered on the University of Mataram journal website.
“The details are Sinta 2 there are 3 journals covering JPPIPA, scientific journals of Agricultural Engineering & Biosystems, and IUS Journal of law and justice studies, Sinta 3 there are 8 journals, Sinta 4 increases in number from 11 journals to 16 journals and Sinta 5 rises from 7 journals to 14 journals, and Sinta 6 which amounts to 1 journal,” he explained.
He further explained that currently there are 3 University of Mataram journals that have been successfully indexed globally from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), namely the Belantara Journal from the Forestry study program, the IUS Journal from the Master of Law Sciences, and the FPFT Journal from the Physics Education study program.
“Hopefully, in 2023 there will be an increase in accreditation and will facilitate all national journals from Unram to Sinta 1 and Sinta 2 accredited journals and to international scopus reputation,” said Prof. Aris.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr, in his speech said that he felt proud and grateful for the presence and enthusiasm of all participants.
“The International Publication and Article Writing Assistance Workshop is an important initiative for us to improve the quality of research and publications among Unram academics and researchers,” he said.
He laso explained that the event provided an opportunity for all of us to share knowledge, skills, and experience in writing and publishing scientific articles in international journals indexed by Sinta.
We are confident that through this workshop, participants will gain new insights, effective strategies, and valuable advice to optimize their publications. Research and scientific publications are integral to the university’s role in creating and disseminating knowledge. Through quality publications, we can contribute to the advancement of science and make a positive contribution to society,” he concluded.
The activity presented 3 main speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Istadi, ST., M.T from Diponegoro University, Semarang as well as Editor-in-Chief of “Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering &; Catalys (Scopus Q3)”. Furthermore, Ridwan Arifin, S.H., LL, M from Semarang State University as Editor-in-Chief of “Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies (Scopus Q2)” and also Ahmad Zuhairi, SH., MH from Mataram University as Editor-in-Chief of “Law and Justice Studies (Sinta 2). The last, Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Sc., Ph.D from Editor-in-Chief “JPPIPA (Sinta 2).