The Institute of Research and Community Service Unram Conducted Creative and Innovative Product Contest

Mataram, the University of Mataram – the Business and Innovation Incubator, the Institite of Research and Community Service is holding an Innovation Contest with the theme “Research-Based Creative and Innovative Products to Increase Economic Competitiveness in Higher Education” on Monday-Tuesday, 25th – 26th of September 2023 in the Main Courtroom of LPPM Unram.
The activity, which was attended by 16 lecturers and 23 students from various faculties, was attended directly by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M. Agr. as chairman of LPPM, accompanied by Dr. Didy Ika Supryadi, SE., MM. as Kubinov coordinator, and Sela Antesty, ST., M.Eng. as chairman of the committee.
In his speech, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M. Agr. said that the innovation contest activity was one of the strategies for attracting young talents with creative and innovative ideas to fill this era of industrialization.
“One of the benefits of innovation is being able to solve the problems. Something new can replace old things that you feel are full of problems. The presence of new ideas and thoughts means that every existing problem can be solved well,” emphasized the Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture.
The jury for this activity was the Head of the NTB Provincial Industrial Service, Nuryati, SE., ME., CEO of Besiru Hub., Anas Amrullah, L. Suryadi, SP., MM from BRIDA NTB and Mr. Syahrul, Ph.D. as Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram.
The Industrialization as one of the focuses of the NTB government is a breakthrough in economic modernization that covers all sectors that are related to each other and the processing industry. An industrialization strategy is a necessity to advance the development process in a country. The Industrialization is considered the only shortcut to improve the fate of a country’s prosperity more quickly than without going through this process. The Industrialization contributes to economic growth by increasing productive capacity, job creation, innovation, and optimal use of resources.
This is also supported by the downstream policy which is expected to further strengthen the role of the industrial sector in the economy and improve people’s welfare. Downstreaming is expected to increase the added value of commodities, strengthen the industrial structure, and increase domestic business opportunities by providing new jobs.
Nuryati, SE., ME as Head of the NTB Provincial Industrial Service who was the judge for the Innovative Contest appreciated this activity.
“Thank God, during my 5 years at the Department of Industry today I really see the 6 priority sectors in NTB, the products or research prototypes produced through this innovation contest are well captured and in line with industry needs. ” the University of Mataram, as one of the Centers of Excellence in NTB is able to read the government’s development plans for the next 20 years,” she said.
She further emphasized her hope for all innovation contest participants that this will become a new business entity, a new industry player proven with complete legality so that it will be born into a cool company that is ready to compete.
As an example of an innovation product for the student category carried out by Adina Edian Putri with the innovation title Sate Nusantara (Santara) which is a Tanjung Sate product made from typical Lombok sea fish, seasoned with spices and grilled like satay in general. The innovation of this product is new, including having a shelf life 7 times longer than the original and can be consumed immediately without having to reheat it.
Meanwhile, the innovative products from lecturers are products of Prof.’s innovation. Ir. Yusuf Akhyar Sutaryono, Ph.D. namely Local Green Concentrate Feed (Konshil) which is a quality protein source feed. Made from local Leguminous forages which are high in protein such as: Turi, Lamtoro and Moringa. This high-nutrient feed is also enriched with fermented pineapple flour which has been fermented as a source of energy, vitamins and the enzyme bromelain which is very good for digestion of animal feed.
This product is packaged in pellet form so that it is more compact and easier to store, distribute and give to livestock. This feed can increase the potential for goat milk production by up to 50%.