The PPKn Study Program of FKIP Unram and UBP Karawang Establish Cooperation and Joint Public Lecture

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program (PPKn Study Program) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram (FKIP Unram) established cooperation with Buana Perjuangan University (UBP) Karawang through the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), and the signing of an Implementation Arrangement (IA) by the FKIP Unram PPKn Study Program with the FKIP UBP Karawang PPKn Study Program. The two study programs also held a joint public lecture which was held on Monday (13/11) at the FKIP Unram Hall.
This public lecture raised the theme of local wisdom, where in this event presented competent speakers from each campus, such as Dr. Hj Yuliatin, M.H., FKIP Unram PPKn Study Program Lecturer who talked about SASAMBO local wisdom and Fitri Silvia Sofyan, M.Pd. who is a Lecturer from FKIP UBP Karawang PPKn Study Program, was moderated by Edy Kurniawansyah, M.Pd. one of the FKIP Unram PPKn Study Program lecturers.
The joint public lecture with UBP Karawang was attended by more than 150 participants, consisted of lecturers and students from both campuses.
This activity was attended directly by the Dean of FKIP Unram; Vice Deans of FKIP Unram; Chairperson and Secretary of the Social Science Education Department; Head of Civics Study Program; Study Secretary; and lecturers, and from the UBP Karawang attended by the Dean of FKIP UBP Karawang; Head of Civics Study Program UBP Karawang; lecturers; and 70 students of PPKn Study Program of UBP Karawang.
The Dean of FKIP Unram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, Ph.D in his speech gave support and appreciation to the PPKn Study Program for continuing to hold various activities. This activity is very important and beneficial for students and study programs, especially in improving the cooperation of the tri dharma of higher education.
“I hope that the PPKn Study Program is not just a collaborative signing, but I hope there is a form of follow-up activity or program from this outstanding activity. We encourage other study programs to continue to innovate in various activities of the tri dharma of higher education,” said the Dean of FKIP Unram.
Furthermore, the Dean of FKIP UBP Karawang, Dr. H. Tarpan Suparman, M.Pd also expressed his gratitude for the incredible welcome by the PPKn Study Program of FKIP Unram, “we were here with a total of 76 people consisting of 6 lecturers and 70 FKIP UBP Karawang PPKn Study Program students and we really appreciate the enthusiasm of FKIP Unram in welcoming this collaboration”.
Then, the Head of the FKIP UBP Karawang PPKn Study Program, Dr. Yogi expressed his great honor and feeling for the outstanding welcome of the FKIP Unram PPKn Study Program, we were touched and proud of the outstanding welcome to perform a very interesting SASAMBO dance.
This activity is part of the efforts of the PPKn Study Program in improving the cooperation and quality of the study program. This is in line with what was conveyed by the Head of PPKn Study Program of FKIP Unram, Dr. Lalu Sumardi, M.Pd in his statement that this activity is an effort of the study program to continue to establish cooperation in improving the quality of the study program, as well as to answer the demands of the MBKM program which has been initiated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
Then the purpose of the public lecture regarding SASAMBO and SUNDA Local Wisdom is so the students can recognize their respective cultural identities and not be affected by the development of globalization.
Wahyudi, one of the students of PPKn Study Program who was a participant in the activity expressed his excitement and proud to be able to participate in this activity because in addition to knowing the culture of other regions and also being able to share information and experiences with other campus students.
The same statement was conveyed by Fitri, one of the students from the PPKn Study Program of FKIP UBP Karawang, “I am very happy to be able to go to Unram NTB because the people are friendly and kind. Hopefully we can meet up in the future”.