LKMM-TD Unram 2022 Talked about Corruption Prevention Internalisation

Mataram, Universitas Mataram –Unram again held Basic Student Management Skills Training (LKMM–TD). This year’s LKMM–TD was coupled with the Internalisation of Corruption Prevention with the theme Berisik (Bincang Asik) on Integrity, which was held in the Rectorate Senate Meeting Room on Friday afternoon (2/12). This activity was officially opened by Prof. Dr. Ir. Enny Yuliani, M.Si. as Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni of Unram. In his remarks, Prof. Enny said that education is not only formal but must be in line with exploration and self–potential through prestigious opportunities so that students become smart and shining individuals. “It is necessary to develop a learning climate that can foster self–confidence and innovative, creative attitudes and behaviours, thus, it will be able to produce superior students, who can build themselves and together are responsible for nation-building.” “As a result, universities must continue to develop, direct, and educate students in order for them to be able to improve reasoning, master science, technology, and art, have an entrepreneurial spirit, be full of devotion, and be responsible for the country’s and nation’s future,” he said. Meanwhile, Vice Rector 3 of Unram said that the responsibility for the future of the state and the nation and its development is an educational effort that is carried out in a conscious manner, as has been done. In order to achieve the 17 national educational goals, students’ personalities, knowledge, and skills must be shaped in tandem with curricular activities. Therefore, in order to realise these principles, it is felt necessary to provide briefings to students about management skills in the hope that, in the future, students can become leaders who have technical abilities in accordance with the demands of society This effort is manifested in the format of extracurricular activities called “student management skills training,” explained Prof. Enny to all student representatives of each faculty present. In the LKMM–TD activity, Prof. Gito Hadiprayitno, M.Si. was also present and talked about organisational management. In addition, Dr. Lalu Edy Herman Mulyono, M.M. was also present as a speaker related to organisations that are a means of improving achievements. This time, LKMM–TD was in line with a virtual meeting via Zoom on the internalisation of corruption prevention with the Berisik (Bincang Asik) about integrity with the Inspector General (Irjen) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Chatarina Muliana Girsang, Sherly Annavita as a young content creator, and representatives from the Directorate of Anticorruption Education and Training.