Towards Superior Accreditation, FMIPA Unram Holds LED and LKPS Finalization

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Mataram (FMIPA Unram) held the Finalization of LED and LKPS Accreditation Documents for Study Programs within FMIPA Unram on Monday (5/20) at the Aston Inn Mataram Hotel.
LKPS and LED are Study Program Performance Reports and Self-Evaluation Reports which are required documents for submitting study program accreditation (APS) oriented towards outputs and outcomes.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si. on the occasion expressed her gratitude.
“Alhamdulillah, we expect FMIPA to be accredited superior soon. There are at least 16-17 of our study programs that we must achieve superior accreditation so that our university accreditation (APT) can be superior,” said Prof. Nana.
Furthermore, Prof. Nana explained the urgency of study program accreditation in order to support the implementation of policies set by the Rector of Unram.
“We continue to push for this accreditation because there are priority policies launched by the Rector of Unram that can be implemented if the APT is superior, while at this time we still cannot run several programs because our APT is still very good so please for those of us who were a little bored, we fill our energy again. Never get tired, stop or even give up and continue to build enthusiasm, “said Prof. Nana.
The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram also congratulated Dr. Nurhidayati, M.Kes as the Head of the Unram Accreditation Acceleration Implementation Unit for successfully bringing six Unram study programs to superior accreditation.
“The Rector specifically expressed great appreciation and in the future three study programs from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences are superior and we hope that from the FKIP which is superior, God willing, in 2025 Unram can be accredited superior. We really hope that the enthusiasm of colleagues will continue to be ignited for us to achieve superior accreditation so that we can reach PTN BH,” said Prof. Nana.