Transformations of Green, Blue, Creative, and Independent Health Economies through the Unram KKN PMD Innovation Exhibition: A Strategic Step Towards Excellence

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held an exhibition of Real Work Study Products for Village Community Empowerment (KKN PMD) on Saturday (7/9) at the Rectorate Parking Lot. The exhibition themed “Exploring Village Potential Through KKN PMD to Generate Independent Blue, Green, Creative and Health Economies” is a showcase for innovation and the hard work of students in implementing creative ideas in the community.
The event was opened by the Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., who in his speech emphasized the importance of collaboration between academics and community to improve social and economic welfare.
“Through this exhibition, we want to show the concrete results of the University of Mataram’s commitment to address the challenges faced by rural communities. Through innovations presented by our students, we want to show how we explore the potential of the village, find solutions to various local problems, and encourage the improvement of community welfare from the KKN PMD program which focuses on creative economic development, environmental preservation, and independent health,” said Prof. Bambang.
“This KKN PMD program is an integral part of our vision to transform the University of Mataram into an excellent institution, contributing significantly to community development, and enhancing our reputation both nationally and internationally. We not only strive to advance the villages around us, but also strengthen the position of University of Mataram as a center of academic excellence and innovation,” he added.
Prof. Bambang also emphasized that through this activity, Unram seeks to build synergies between academia, industry and society, and provide a broad positive impact.
“We hope that the results of this exhibition will inspire the village community and become an example for other educational institutions. With consistent and directed efforts, we are sure that the University of Mataram will continue to grow and be recognized as a superior and influential university in the global arena,” he concluded.
The exhibition presented various products and innovations from KKN groups that have been working in various villages on the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa. The products on display included recycled-based handicrafts, processed local food products, and simple technological solutions to improve public health. Each stand presents the concept of blue, green, and independent health which is the focus of the event theme.
On the same occasion, the Head of the Trade Office of NTB, Baiq Nelly Yuniarti, AP, M.Si. said, “We are confident that the synergy between the University of Mataram and the Trade Office of NTB will bring a great positive impact in achieving common goals.”
“Through innovative programs and practical activities involving students, we hope that this synergy will continue to boost the growth of potential sectors in NTB, by providing effective solutions in improving the competitiveness of local products, promoting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises ( UMKM), and creating sustainable economic opportunities,” Baiq Nelly said.
One of the student stands that attracted attention was “Mente Kami”, an innovation from Unram’s KKN PMD program in Bilok Petung Village, North Lombok Regency (KLU). They explained how Mente products originated from processed cashew seeds processed with modern techniques to increase economic value and sustainability of local agriculture.
As the Head of the Center for Cooperation and KKN LPPM Unram, Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT., IPU. in his interview said, “The KKN PMD product exhibition is a tangible manifestation of increasing student creativity and innovation in supporting green, blue, creative, and independent health economy programs. Through this exhibition, we want to show how our students not only utilize the knowledge gained in college, but also apply it practically to provide innovative solutions to the community to support the sustainable development agenda.”
“More than that, we strive to make KKN outcomes a significant contributor to the university’s Main Performance Indicators (IKU). We are committed to improving the reputation of the University of Mataram at the national and international levels. With the innovation and creativity shown, we believe that KKN PMD can contribute to the achievement of the vision of the University of Mataram to become a superior and influential educational institution,” continued Dr. Misbahuddin.
The exhibition is not only a platform for students to show their creativity and innovation but also a platform to build awareness of the importance of creative economy, environmental preservation, and independent health among the community. With hope, the results of this KKN program can be well received by the community and provide a sustainable positive impact.