University Of Mataram and University of Balikpapan Sign MoU and MoA to Strengthen Cooperation in Tri Dharma of Higher Education

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) received a visit from University of Balikpapan (Uniba) on Friday, February 28, 2025 at the Rector’s Conference Room, Unram Rectorate. This meeting aims to strengthen cooperation in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which includes education, research, and community service.
During the meeting, the Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., emphasized the importance of collaboration between universities in building the nation.
“Building a nation cannot be done alone. No university can develop without cooperation. Therefore, universities must work together to move forward together,” said Prof. Bambang.
The two universities exchanged ideas on the development and growth of each institution, hoping to create a mutually beneficial synergy.
The Rector of Uniba who also serves as the Secretary General of the Rector Forum of the Indonesian Union, Dr. Ir. M. Isradi Zainal, M.T., M.H., M.M., DESS., M.K.K.K., emphasized that there are many advantages of Eastern Indonesia that have not been optimally explored.
“The purpose of Uniba visiting Unram is to synergize, because there are many potentials in Eastern Indonesia that are still under-explored. With this cooperation, we can develop existing advantages for mutual progress,” he explained.
The meeting was also attended by Vice Rectors and Deans from all faculties at Unram. The deans were given the opportunity to discuss in a session guided by Unram’s Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D. The discussion discussed the potential for cooperation between faculties and study programs from both universities, with the hope of producing strategic collaborations in the future.
With the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), Unram and Uniba hope to strengthen academic synergy and open new opportunities in research and innovation development in various fields.