University of Mataram Collaborates with University of Queensland Australia

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) warmly welcomed the arrival of Dr. Gunnar Kirchhof from the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, Faculty of Science, University of Queensland (UQ) Australia, in an important discussion related to potential collaborations on Friday, September 6, 2024 at the Rector’s Conference Room, Unram Rectorate. This activity is part of a part of Dr. Gunnar’s visits to Unram from 6 to 14 September 2024.
During his visit, Dr. Gunnar is scheduled to conduct a series of activities with the Soil Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta Unram). The activities include a public lecture with the theme “Optimization of Groundwater Usage for Enhancing Irrigation Efficiency and Crop Productivity,” as well as a field visit on soil condition and soil assessment in Gumantar Village, North Lombok.
The Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., in his speech revealed that this visit was the initiation result of Unram’s visit to Australia, where Unram explored cooperation with UQ and Griffith University. “Hopefully in the future, we can also work together with Griffith University,” said Prof. Bambang.
Prof. Bambang added that Unram is working to build an internationally standardized environment. “Our vision is to become a globally competitive university. We want to have internationally recognized study programs, such as tropical marine science, tropical agriculture, and tropical soil science,” he explained. Collaboration with a renowned university like UQ will contribute greatly to realizing this vision.
“This collaboration is not only limited to soil science and agriculture. We can also collaborate related to the potential we have, so we will develop this collaboration in the future. We also want to build an international standard environment, this is what we are going to build so that we can become a superior and globally competitive university,” he added.
Dr. Gunnar in his speech also emphasized the importance of international collaboration for the development of science and technology. “Through this collaboration, we not only share knowledge, but also build capacity to address global challenges such as water resource sustainability and increasing agricultural productivity,” he said.
This discussion also discussed how collaboration and cooperation between Unram and UQ can help students in completing their studies, the application of relevant technology in the teaching and learning process. In addition, this collaboration is also expected to have a positive impact on society, especially in terms of improving their welfare.
This discussion is expected to be an important milestone for Unram in expanding international collaboration, not only in the field of soil science and agriculture but also in various other disciplines. By strengthening cooperation, Unram is committed to continuing to innovate and contribute to the development of science that has an impact on the wider community and improve the quality of education, research, and community service and become a superior and globally competitive university.