University of Mataram Hosts ICCN Summit 2023

Mataram, University of Mataram – Indonesia Career Center Network (ICCN) held the ICCN summit 2023 at the University of Mataram on November 1- 4, 2023. ICCN Summit 2023 highlighted the theme Optimizing Industrial Partnership in Improving the Employability Rank and Internationalization of Higher Education Graduates and was attended by 147 participants from 87 universities from all over Indonesia.
ICCN is a network of university career centers throughout Indonesia that works as a forum to improve the quality of Indonesia’s human resources (HR) through career preparation for students. This network is a platform that facilitates sharing of knowledge, experience, consultation, and finding solutions to management problems in improving the role, services and professionalism of career center management according to the character of each university.
The ICCN Summit itself is an annual ICCN event, where career centers share knowledge and experience and is an important agenda for career centers to improve services and strengthen the career services landscape in Indonesia. ICCN Summit 2023 agenda consists of Career Center Officer Program (CCOP), International Seminar, Organizational Meeting, Scientific Conference, Partner Gathering, Gala Dinner, and Lombok Tour.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of the University of Mataram (Unram), Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si., opened the ICCN Summit 2023 activities in the Career Center Officer Program (CCOP) as the first agenda in the ICCN Summit 2023 series (2/11), on this occasion Prof. Nana introduced West Nusa Tenggara as one of the Top 10 destinations in the world, and also added that NTB is one of Indonesia’s tourism development priority areas.
“NTB is very rich in natural resources that participate in supplying the needs of other regions in Indonesia. If we go downstreet, there are no less than 99 bays that we can enjoy for its beauties. When we discuss world issues, all are found in NTB, the diversity of tourism and underwater conservation such as sharks and whales are all found in NTB. This is also supported by strong social diversity, where NTB is appointed as the center of social diversity in Indonesia because of its diversity. Natural tourism supported by cultural centers is a strength possessed by NTB and We hope that ICCN Summit 2023 participants can also enjoy the natural beauty of NTB, “said Prof. Nana.
Prof. Nana explained that this natural beauty is one of the attractive aspect of the University of Mataram where students can learn while traveling, for example through the Merdeka Student Exchange Program (PMM) at Unram has a high enough interest when compared to the admission ratio. A total of 4,174 students want to come to learn and share knowledge in the PMM program, but only 400 students can be accepted.
At the end of his speech Prof. Nana expressed his gratitude for the implementation of this event “Alhamdulilah now we can share knowledge and experience with 147 participants from 87 universities throughout Indonesia, for that let us take advantage of this momentum to be able to improve IKU 1,” said Prof. Nana.
Prof. Nana continued that there is a big challenge for universities, which is still constrained in IKU 1, maybe this is also a big challenge for other universities because they are always constrained by Tracer Study which cannot be implemented optimally, therefore the ICCN Summit 2023 activity is very important as a momentum to share the strategies to improve IKU 1.