Unram and Disnakertrans NTB Agree to Cooperate for Human Resources Empowerment in NTB

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Academic Support Unit (UPA) of Counseling and Career Guidance at the University of Mataram (BKPK Unram) collaborates with the Manpower & Transmigration Office of the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (Disnakertrans NTB) in the fields of research, education, and community service related to employment and migration.
This cooperation was marked by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between Unram and Disnakertrans NTB, which took place at the NTB Disnakertrans Job Fair on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at the NTB Islamic Center Ballroom.
In addition to cooperation within the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Unram and Disnakertrans NTB also agreed to conduct Field Work Practice (PKL) and apprenticeship activities collaboratively, as well as hold various Human Resources (HR) development activities such as Job Fair, Coaching Clinic, and other relevant activities.
The signing of this Cooperation Agreement marks a strong commitment between Unram and the NTB Disnakertrans in building and developing human resources in the NTB region.
“With this cooperation, we hope to have a positive impact on improving the quality of the workforce in NTB and providing wider opportunities for students to go directly into the professional world,” said the Head of UPA BKPK Unram, apt. Yoga Dwi Saputra, S. Farm., M.Pharm.Sci.
In this activity, also attended the Acting Governor of NTB Province, Hassanudin, represented by the Regional Secretary of NTB Province, Drs. H. Lalu Gita Ariadi, M.Si, witnessed the agreement signing procession and opened the NTB Disnakertrans Job Fair event.