Unram and MCI National Seminar Invited Generation Z to Learn Sharia Digital Investment

Mataram, the University of Mataram – Mumtaz Consulting Institute (MCI) held a National Seminar at the University of Mataram in order to impart knowledge to the younger generation or generation Z about investing on Saturday (12/8) at the Dome Building, Unram.

The sharia-based seminar entitled “Generation Z Smart Digital Investment” was presented directly through the Zoom Meeting platform by the speakers who are experts in the fields of economics, finance and business in Islam. Among them, Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi, Assistant Researcher at Bank Indonesia; Faried Kurnia Rahman, Sharia Capital Market Activist; and Dr. Nurizal Ismail as Director of MCI. Apart from that, a speaker from young literacy activists, Abdul Fatah was also present.

Director of MCI, Dr. Nurizal Ismail said that seminars or literacy on digital investment are very important for generation Z, because currently the number has reached 27.94 percent of the total population of Indonesia. With this enormous potential, Generation Z is expected to play a role in developing Indonesia.

“Generation Z has enormous potential, so, if we don’t direct it to others it will actually become a problem for Indonesia’s future development,” said Dr. Nurizal.

He also explained that, this digital era knowledge and literacy are needed, so that, what will be done later or at present, generation Z can achieve and can contribute to Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Unram Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana said this seminar was very useful for the younger generation and especially for students who would be able to seize job opportunities because they could be independent and not depend on unclear jobs.

“This is very extraordinary, I think it’s not only Unram students who should get this material. If necessary, all students, even high school students need to be provided with materials like this,” said Vice Rector I Unram.

And one of the seminar participants from Unram students, Sitti Barotul Sakinah, admitted that she only now knew about the existence of sharia-based investments, and according to her this seminar was very useful for her because previously she had been a victim of fraudulent investment fraud when she was still studying investing.

“So, the existence of this seminar can help students to broaden their insights related to investment because currently fraudulent investments are rampant, and being on guard about these investments, can avoid investments that are not registered with the OJK,” said Sitti.