Unram and OJK Hold Capital Market Seminar, Education on Integrated Capital Market #IInvestinStocks

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) in collaboration with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in the framework of the Integrated Capital Market Socialization and Education (SEPMT) 2024 held a Capital Market Seminar on Thursday (25/4) at the Unram Dome Building.
The capital market seminar was attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D.; Keynote Speaker, Sujanto as Director of Information Analysis and Crisis Management of the Capital Market, Derivative Finance, and Carbon Exchange of the OJK; Director of the Assessment of Issuers and Public Companies of the OJK, Kunwidarto; Head of OJK of NTB Province, Rico Rinaldy; Deputy Director of Information System Development of the Capital Market, Derivative Finance, and Carbon Exchange of the OJK, Gustaf AM Rajagukguk; Deputy Director of Strategic Management Services for the Capital Market, Derivative Finance, and Carbon Exchange of the OJK, Retno Hapsari; and Director of Development of PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange, Jeffrey Hendrik.
Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D. in his speech said that OJK itself is understood as an institution that has the authority and capacity to oversee the operations of existing financial services, so that the existence of OJK greatly guarantees the people comfort in conducting financial transactions with existing financial service providers.
Furthermore, Prof. Akmaluddin said that this is a good opportunity for students to learn about the capital market.
Prof. Akmaluddin at the end of his speech expressed his gratitude to OJK for its trust in Unram to take part in this seminar activity, and hoped that this seminar could provide great benefits for students in the future.
The seminar, which was coupled with the symbolic handover of 700 investment account openings, presented expert speakers in the field of capital markets such as Mauldy R. Makmur as Executive Director of the Association of Indonesian Mutual Fund and Investment Actors (APRDI) with Smart Investing material: Mutual Funds; Jeffrey Hendrik as Director of Development of the Indonesia Stock Exchange with material on Knowing the Capital Market; Hidayatul Azqia as Financial Planner with material on Financial Planning to Prevent Fraudulent Investments; and Nur Aida Arifa Tara, M.Si., Ph.D. lecturer at FEB Unram as moderator.