Unram and PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara Collaborate for Sustainable Mining Research

Mataram, University of Mataram – In an effort to encourage a sustainable mining industry, PT Amman Mineral established a research collaboration with the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of University of Mataram (Unram). The meeting was attended by Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, S.T., M.T., IPU as Head of the Centre for Cooperation and Business of LPPM Unram, as well as representatives of PT Amman Mineral, Mr Agus Setianto.
The meeting between the two parties that took place on Friday, 1 November 2024 discussed the potential for collaboration in two important studies, namely stockpile management and heavy metals on the environment. The stockpile management study aims to find optimal solutions for the storage of mining materials, in order to minimise environmental risks and improve operational efficiency. Meanwhile, the heavy metal impact study will focus on identifying and mitigating the negative impacts of mining activities on water and soil quality.
Dr. Misbahuddin, Head of the Centre for Cooperation and Business, stated that this collaboration is an opportunity for Unram to contribute to the development of more responsible mining industry.
“Through joint research, we hope to produce innovations that can improve the competitiveness of the Indonesian mining industry,” he said.
Both parties agreed to immediately formulate a more detailed cooperation proposal. The plan is for the research project to involve a team of researchers from various disciplines. The research results obtained are expected to be a reference for the development of policies and best practices in the mining industry. The collaboration between PT Amman Mineral and LPPM Unram is expected to make a positive contribution to various parties, including the surrounding community.