Unram Awards 2023: Appreciation of the Glorious Achievements of the Unram Academic Community

Mataram, University of Mataram – A night full of honor and appreciation has arrived at the University of Mataram (Unram) with the inauguration of the “Unram Awards 2023” on Friday (22/12) at the Unram Dome Building. This event is a historic moment for the Unram academic community, where achievements are appreciated and recognized with great honor.
In this awarding night, there are four categories of awards given to Unram academicians who have shown outstanding achievements in various fields. The four categories include Academic Affairs, General and Financial Affairs, Student Affairs, and Planning and Cooperation.
In the Academic Field category, it is divided into several sub-categories such as the Scopus Publication Sub Category: University of Mataram lecturers who succeeded in writing the most articles in Scopus indexed journals in 2023, Faculty Sub Categories with the Best Superior/A Accreditation Achievements, Study Program Sub Categories Winning the Best National Independent Campus Competition Program, IKU Achievement Sub Categories: Faculties that Achieve the Highest Main Performance, Sub-Category of Units Receiving the Highest Incentives for Main Performance from the Ministry of Education and Culture Ristek RI, and Sub-Category of the Best Contributor to the Internationalization of the University of Mataram.
The General and Financial Affairs category has four sub-categories, including Budget Performance Sub-Category (Budget Absorption, Turnover Speed, and Accountability Accuracy), Personnel Service Performance Sub-Category (Service Speed, Service Accuracy, and Sister Update), Field Personnel Sub-Category (Inspirational), and Public Relations Sub-Category (Magazine of the Week).
In the Field of Student Affairs, there are four sub-categories consisting of the Outstanding Student Sub-Category, Outstanding Supervisor Sub-Category, Outstanding Ormawa Sub-Category, and Faculty Sub-Category with the Most PKM Achievements Funded 2023.
Furthermore, the Planning and Cooperation Affairs also has four sub-categories, consisting of Best Planning Sub-Category (Active Role, Timeliness, Cooperation, and Quality), Best International Cooperation Implementing Faculty Sub-Category, Best National Cooperation Implementing Faculty Sub-Category with Government, and Best National Cooperation Implementing Faculty Sub-Category with Industry.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si. as the Chairperson of the Committee represented by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D. in his report said that from the four categories, 72 awards were presented.
“The 72 awards given reflect various aspects of the success and hard work of the entire Unram academic community. As for this appreciation, it is hoped that the achievements can be an inspiration for future generations,” said Prof. Akmal.
In this premiere awarding night, Unram Rector, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. said that for the first time Unram received five awards at the end of this year. Four awards were given by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) and one prestigious award by the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KIP RI).
“This is the first time we have received five awards at once, in the Diktiristek Award we received four awards, 1 Gold, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze. And in the 2023 Public Information Disclosure Award, we were named as an “Informative” Public Institution whose award was given at the Vice Presidential Palace and witnessed directly by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. The predicate “Informative” is the highest, so this is an extraordinary achievement of Unram, “said the Rector of Unram.
“It is unfair if only the Rector receives the award, of course this is the result of the hard work of all of us. Therefore, we make this event, where Unram gives appreciation to institutions, faculties, study programs, lecturers, and students who have succeeded in bringing Unram to the current point,” he added.
Prof. Bambang also said that the Unram Awards 2023 event is also part of a competition that hopes to be a trigger for the Unram academic community to continue to get awards or achievements, in addition to the Unram Awards as an appreciation event.
In the inaugural night of the Unram Awards, Prof. Bambang said that this event would become an annual event that would be held before the end of the year.