Unram Brings Achievements at Anugerah Diktiristek 2023: Four Glorious Awards!

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) continued to achieve brilliant success in the 2023 Diktiristek Award which took place Wednesday night (13/12) yesterday at the Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel. Anugerah Diktiristek is an appreciation event given by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) as the main unit in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbutristek).
Unram received a total of 4 (four) prestigious awards in the peak night of the awarding. And the categories of awards won by Unram, are Institutional Award: PTN with the Most Recommended Study Program Opening Proposals 2023 GOLD WINNER, Public Relations Award: SILVER WINNER Page Sub Category, Public Relations Award: Magazine Sub Category BRONZE WINNER, and Public Relations Award: Social Media Sub Category BRONZE WINNER.
In the night of the 2023 Diktiristek Award, plt. Director General of Diktiristek, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng. said, “on this night we also give appreciation and thanks to fellow journalists, editors, media, and university public relations for their hard work, collaboration and very close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture, especially the Director General of Diktiristek. Hopefully a little appreciation at the end of this year will strengthen our enthusiasm to enter 2024 with a higher spirit for the progress of the nation and state”.
The several categories in the night of Anugerah Diktiristek 2023 include National Priority Award, Cooperation Partner, Cooperation, Public Relations, Higher Education Database, Learning and Student Affairs, Resources, Institutions, Research, Technology, and Community Service, as well as Journalists and Media.
The Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. expressed his pride for this achievement.
“I am very proud, this is the first time Unram has received four awards in a row. There are gold, silver, and two bronzes. Compared to last year, we only got one bronze. This means that we, Unram, continue to improve ourselves, continue to build, and improve our weaknesses. So that we are able to compete with other universities,” said the Rector of Unram.
Prof. Bambang said from all BLU universities in Indonesia, Unram received a gold award in the category of PTN with the Most Recommended Study Program Opening Proposals in 2023. “This means that the development of our study programs is extraordinary. Most of them are from the Faculty of Medicine. Where later the study programs under the Faculty of Medicine can accommodate doctors to continue their studies at the specialist level,” he said.
“In addition, one of the doctoral programs that we have obtained is Sustainable Agriculture. This is also part of where we improve the quality of Unram, where specialist programs, both Masters and Doctoral programs, are part of what we continue to develop. So that we can become a learning center not only for the NTB region, but also for the national level,” added the Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Prof. Bambang expressed his pride because these awards are part of the achievements that have been carved.
“What does an award mean without achievement, but achievement is the essence of the award. Achievements where our public relations, in the past, might only be a photographer. Now we can imagine that public relations can get three awards, this is extraordinary. From only one then to three, this is an extraordinary achievement for public relations,” he said.
The Rector of Unram also encouraged public relations to become an institution that not only disseminates information but also helps build Unram’s image in the outside world, explaining to the public the various things Unram has done, as well as Unram’s contribution to society. In addition to the achievements that have been made, the Rector continues to remind Unram not to be satisfied, because there are still many other awards that Unram can get. Where Unram also always tries to see shortcomings in other parts to continue to be improved.
“Hopefully in the next 2024, there will be more things that we can improve and enhance. So that Unram continues to fly at the national level and Unram is increasingly recognized. I thank the public relations officers, thank those who work to increase the number of our study programs, where these study programs are very useful for the community, and also thank the other parties who support us until we succeed in achieving this proud achievement, “concluded Prof. Bambang.
Finally, the 10th Rector of Unram also invited the entire Unram academic community to participate in making achievements in order to realize Unram’s vision and mission, and make a real contribution in shaping a better future of higher education for future generations.