Unram Caravan brings Home 2 MTQMN 2023 Award Trophies

Mataram, University of Mataram – The University of Mataram (Unram) caravan managed to bring home 2 (two) 2023 National Student Quran Tilawatil Musbaqah trophies (MTQMN) at the closing of the 17th MTQMN 2023 held at Brawijaya University Malang, Thursday (9/11).
The closing ceremony was held in conjunction with the reading of the judges’ decision on the names of the winners of each field of competition. The Unram caravan won 3rd place in the Syarhil Qur’an competition and 3rd runner-up in the Qur’an application design competition.
The Syarhil Qur’an team, consisting of Dina Aulani (Faculty of Economics and Business), Puput Melati (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education), and Fazriati (Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry) managed to bring home the third best trophy after the final round managed to convince the judges by bringing the theme of nationalism in the concept of the Qur’an. With this achievement, the coach of the Syarhil team, Nuzla Af’idatur Robbaniyyah, S.Si., M.Sc. felt very grateful.
“Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful, very happy and proud of these three students because they have given performances from the preliminaries to the finals with the utmost in accordance with what is expected,” said Nuzla.
Dina, one of the personnel of the syarhil team expressed her gratitude after winning 3rd place among 111 great teams from all Universities in Indonesia. Dina also expressed her gratitude to her parents and especially to the coaches, “Thank you to the coaches who tirelessly trained us even though it was outside our schedule. Thank you to Mrs. Nuzla for coaching us this far, thank you to everyone involved, thank you”.
Meanwhile, from the branch of Al-Qur’an application design competition, the Unram caravan won 3rd runner-up. The Al-Qur’an application design team of the Unram caravan consisted of S. Antya Rohmawati, a student of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ainaya Nur Fadhilah, a student of the Faculty of Agriculture, and Destia Suhada, a student of the Faculty of Engineering. They managed to convince the judges after presenting the Quranu application, an application used to facilitate deaf friends in learning the Qur’an.
They expressed their happiness after successfully competing with more than 100 teams from Universities throughout Indonesia by winning 3rd place. “We believe that the best effort is the best result,” said Destia.
Although the preparation was only one month, Antya expressed her happiness, “Alhamdulillah, it feels good, the results of our hard work for one month paid off”.
“In the future we will try to get even better results,” added Ainaya.
The 17th MTQMN 2023 was officially closed by the expert staff of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) for Talent Management, Tatang Muttaqin. Ph.D. In his speech, he said that efforts to realize student talents with achievement events must have sustainability.
“This is in line with the spirit of the scholars who are often conveyed about how we care for good traditions, then not only stop caring for traditions, but also about how to look for new and better ones,” he said.
This MTQMN will be held again every 2 years. This means that MTQMN will be held in 2025.