Unram Celebrates 62nd Dies Natalis through Real Action to Re-Green Cemara Beach and Preserve Mangroves

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) held a Mangrove Planting Reforestation Activity and Clean Up at Cemara Beach as part of commemorating Unram’s 62nd Dies Natalis which carries the theme “Transformation Towards World Class University, Towards Golden Indonesia,”. This activity took place at Cemara Beach, Lembar District, West Lombok Regency, on Saturday (12/10).
This activity involves various elements, including students, lecturers, local communities, and local governments as mangrove rehabilitation efforts in line with Unram’s mission to contribute to sustainable development and support national and regional programs related to environmental conservation.
The Head of the NTB Province Regional Mangrove Management Task Force as well as Unram’s Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Siti Hilyana, M.Si in her speech said that mangroves are an international issue and no longer just a national issue. Mangrove degradation in Indonesia itself is quite high even in NTB reaching 78.12 percent.
“Mangrove degradation in Indonesia is quite massive, even in NTB itself 78.12 percent has been degraded. This is a very serious threat because of mangrove degradation, when we talk about the maritime sector mangroves are a golden ecosystem that is the heart of the world. If forests are the lungs of the world, then mangroves are its heart. If mangroves are lost, the maritime sector will stop beating, have a big impact on the fisheries sector which of course will have a huge impact on humans, “concluded Prof. Nana.
Prof. Nana said that the 78.12 percent degradation occurred due to the conversion of mangrove land into residential land, roads, the use of mangrove trunks for firewood, due to the massive shrimp development in Indonesia.
Prof. Nana further explained that Unram has been rehabilitating mangroves in Cemara Beach since 2003.
“Since 2003 we have rehabilitated Cemara Beach, although at that time we only talked about the marine and fisheries sector along with forestry and we started from only 250 plants, increasing to 1000 plants, then 15,000 plants and so on”.
The 62nd Unram Dies Natalis participated in playing its role, how Unram took part in mangrove rehabilitation and took part in the community. This is one form of Unram’s contribution as a university in community development and assisting local governments in solving existing problems.
“We also continue to empower the community and continue to invite them to get involved so that this can increase awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving mangroves,” she said.
The Governor of NTB Province, in this case represented by the Head of the NTB Provincial Education and Culture Office, Dr. H. Aidy Furqan, M.Pd. expressed his appreciation for Unram’s 62nd Anniversary, one of which is a form of concern for the environment.
“Our NTB Regional Government itself has a mission, namely Green NTB and the zero waste program that you have heard in the last five years has also led us to get appreciation in the international arena. From the presentation delivered by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, it becomes logical for how this environmental conservation can be integrated in the world of education,” said Dr. Aidy.
This activity is also a form of Unram’s real support for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in environmental conservation efforts and sustainable management of coastal ecosystems. Through active participation in maintaining mangroves and beach sanitation, Unram emphasizes its commitment to play a role in sustainable development and support a more sustainable and inclusive future for Indonesia.