Unram Collaborates with ABI and BMA to Hold International Webinar

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Rector of Mataram University (Unram) was represented by the Chairman of LPPM Unram, Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. to open an International Webinar: “Biochar for Environmental and Agricultural Use” as Chairman of the Indonesian Biochar Association (ABI).
The webinar was held online through the Zoom platform and it was attended by 199 people on Wednesday, June 7, 2023.
“This webinar is an opportunity for all of us to share research and experiences related to the use of biochar in the environment and agriculture. Hopefully, this activity can be a learning forum to develop our research in the future,” said Dr. Sukartono.
The Head of LPPM Mataram Univerisity wants the results of the international webinar can be useful and can be applied specifically for research development in West Nusa Tenggara.
The international webinar was also attended by the Chairman of Biochar Malaysia Association (BMA) and Prof. Dr. Nanthi Bolan from The University of Western Australia as the main speaker. Prof. Nanthi explained the application of biochar, with the title “Black is the new green: Biochar Application Modulates Soil Health and Fertility”.
The other two speakers, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amran Salleh from BMA delivered the material about “Biochar Productions: Principles and Practices” and Prof. Dr. Didiek Hadjar Goenadi from ABI delivered the material about “Biochar for Sustainable Oil Palm”.