Unram Commemorates 116th National Awakening Day

Published On: 20 May, 2024By Tags: , ,

Mataram, University of Mataram – In commemoration of the 116th National Awakening Day, University of Mataram (Unram) held a ceremony with the academic community at the Unram Rectorate Field on Monday (20/5). This year’s National Awakening Day commemoration raised the theme “Second Awakening Towards Golden Indonesia”.

In the speech of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia read by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Systems of Unram, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D., it was stated that Indonesia is currently faced with rapid technological advances and the next two decades are crucial moments that will greatly determine the future of Indonesia.

Referring to history, Boedi Oetomo which was founded on 20 May 1908 became a symbol of National Awakening, growing the seeds of Indonesian independence. Van Deventer, the Dutch Ethical Politician, described this moment as an awakening: “Something miraculous is happening, the sleeping Insulinde molek, has woken up”.

“Boedi Oetomo became the beginning of a place where people learnt and debated about many things, such as the importance of western education for the people of the Dutch East Indies and the spread of education to all levels of society regardless of priayi or not,” said Prof Akmaluddin, reading the Minister of Communication and Information RI’s remarks.

Through the commemoration of National Awakening Day, the Minister wanted to encourage Indonesians to reflect on the nation’s history and emphasised the importance of understanding that history is needed not only as a source of exemplary values, but as a continuous conversation about progress, humanity and prosperity.

On the same occasion, it was also mentioned that Kartini, a pioneer of national awakening, had initiated education as a tool to free the nation from colonialism. Her ideas have inspired many young people who became the embryo of the Indonesian nation.

“Education is a vehicle to liberate people, as well as to free the nation from the shackles of colonialism. For Kartini, education is a path that can reveal a new horizon and civilisation for the Bumiputera,” said Prof. Akmaluddin.

The commemoration ceremony was also a momentum to emphasise the importance of utilising the demographic bonus and advances in digital technology to achieve “Golden Indonesia 2045”. In a speech written by the Minister of Communication and Information RI, it was emphasised that digital transformation can create new jobs, support economic growth, and increase productivity.