Unram Communication Science Study Program Partnership with PLTMGU Lombok Peaker to Succeed AKSI PELITA
Mataram, The University of Mataram– 6 and 5th semester students of the Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Law, Unram (FH Unram) in collaboration with the Lombok Peaker Steam Gas Engine Power Plant (PLTMGU) company to held a Beach Environmental Care Action activity ( AKSI PELITA ) which was held on Wednesday (18/10) at Bagik Kembar Environmental Beach, District. Sekarbela, Mataram City.
The six students who are members of the Outeam (Ocean Team) group consist of Sri Rezki Amelia, Rr. Elizabeth Natalia, Nikita Padmi Lazuardi, Baiq Dina Aulyatul Aini, Indri Destalangi, and Putra Gabriel Pirhot Manurung. They initiated AKSI PELITA activities to fulfill the task of collaborating with companies in the Public Relations Management course.
Yulanda Trisula Sidarta Yohanes, S.Ikom., M.Ikom. as a lecturer in this course explained, “it is very important for Communication Science Study Program students to receive practical assignments during their studies so that they know the reality of working in the field in the future.”
PLTMGU Lombok Peaker is the first Combined Cycle power plant in Indonesia and has been operating since 2020 under the auspices of PLN. In its operation, PLTMGU Lombok Peaker does not use coal as fuel to produce steam, but uses hot steam produced from the gas engine so it is more environmentally friendly.
AKSI PELITA is the first collaboration initiated by Unram Communication Science Study Program with PLTMGU Lombok Peaker. This activity involved 100 participants consisting of 13 students and 2 lecturers from the Communication Science Study Program, 45 employees of PLTMGU Lombok Peaker (including Wartsila), 15 employees of Environment Technology International (ETI), 10 employees of PLN, and 15 residents of the Bagek Kembar environment.
The Head of the Communication Science Study Program, Dr. Ir. Agus Purbatin Hadi., M.Sc. In his speech during the activity, he said that several years ago, Unram Communication Science Study Program students had also collaborated with PLN to plant trees on Loang Baloq Beach.
“This is a source of pride for the Communication Science Study Program because its students can build a similar collaboration with PLTMGU Lombok Peaker through AKSI PELITA activities,” he said.
Amelia, Chair of Outeam, said that collaborating with a company like PLTMGU Lombok Paker is not easy.
“We just received a call from the company one month after sending a letter requesting an interview to discuss cooperation that suits the company’s needs,” explained Amelia.
Apart from that, they also have to create an activity concept in a short time. The good cooperation between the group and the company makes AKSI PELITA run smoothly. It is hoped that AKSI PELITA’s slogan, “No Waste, No Case”, will to be continued by the community so that the beach environment remains clean and maintains its beauty.