Unram Declares New Vision “Becoming an Excellent and Globally Competitive Higher Education Institution”

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) has declared its new vision, “Becoming an Excellent and Globally Competitive Higher Education Institution”. This declaration is called the Mandalika Declaration and was signed by Unram leaders on Sunday, July 14, 2024, in Kuta, Mandalika, Central Lombok.
The event was attended by various stakeholders including stakeholders. The Mandalika Declaration is a strategic step for Unram to face global challenges in the field of higher education and improve its quality and competitiveness in the international arena.
Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., in his speech stated that Unram’s vision needs to be reviewed to make Unram’s vision more relevant, “The Mandalika Declaration is a form of our commitment to continue to innovate and adapt to global developments. We are determined to make Unram an excellent educational institution, not only at the national level but also at the international level. This new vision will guide us in developing high-quality academic, research and community service programs.”
Prof. Bambang also added that Unram will focus on increasing international cooperation, developing a curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the global industry, and improving facilities and human resources that support the achievement of this vision.
“We will continue to encourage lecturers and students to participate in international academic activities, such as conferences, journal publications, and student exchanges. Thus, we hope to create graduates who are competent and ready to compete in the global job market,” he said and added.
Furthermore, Prof. Bambang said, “We will review our vision and mission and see if it is still relevant, we will continue. Because if we look at our vision, there is 2025 which is next year. If it is not relevant, of course we have to change it again so that it is more relevant.”
The 10th Rector of Unram also explained the reason for choosing Mandalika as the location and symbol of the declaration, because Mandalika is one of the famous world symbols.
“InsyaAllah Unram will be global, of course with the support of all of us. So we choose this place, Mandalika, as a symbol of the world and Unram will go there,” he said.
The Mandalika Declaration is expected to be an important momentum for Unram in realizing its new vision and increasing its contribution in creating superior and globally competitive human resources.