Unram Encourages Research and Innovation Protection through IPR 2024 Workshop

Mataram, University of Mataram – The University of Mataram (Unram) held an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) 2024 Workshop which aims to provide socialisation and assistance related to the preparation of IPR documents to lecturers in the Unram environment. This activity took place in the Senate Conference Room, Rectorate of Unram on Wednesday (13/11) and presented two speakers and was enthusiastically attended by lecturers and researchers.
The workshop began with a report from the Chairman of the Committee, Maiser Syaputra, S.Hut., M.Si. who said that this activity was an annual agenda carried out by the Unram Environmental Centre. “The main purpose of this workshop is to provide an understanding of the variety of intellectual property and provide assistance related to the strategy of preparing ideas and works that can be protected through IPR,” he said.
Unram Rector, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. in his speech conveyed the importance of research that is beneficial to society, “The research produced must have real benefits for Indonesia, the government, researchers, and science and technology. Therefore, useful research must be well protected, one of which is through IPR protection.”
“IPR has a strategic role in improving Unram’s reputation, because through the protection of intellectual work, Unram can maintain the innovation and research produced by the academic community. With good IPR recognition and management, it will accelerate the achievement of Unram’s reputation at the national and international levels to become a superior and globally competitive university,’ said Prof. Bambang.
The activity continued with the material presentation from the first speaker, Farida S.Pt., S.A.P., M.Si., as the Head of the Legal and Human Rights Services Division of the NTB Regional Office. She discussed about “Types, Variety, and Position of Intellectual Property”. In this material, Ms Farida explained that IPR is a private right that has an important role in protecting the results of research and innovation, such as patents, brands, industrial designs, and copyrights.
“NTB has a lot of potential that can be encouraged through IPR protection, such as natural and cultural wealth, as well as scientific papers from lecturers and researchers at Unram,” she said.
Ms Farida also emphasised the importance of IPR registration to protect innovative works and avoid violations that could lead to legal sanctions. “Protecting intellectual property is a very important step to ensure that our work provides wider benefits to society and the scientific world,” she added.
Furthermore, the second speaker, Lydia Eka Fitri, S.T., M.T. as the Junior Patent Examiner of the Director of the NTB Regional Office, gave an explanation of intellectual property rights in the context of patents. Ms Lydia revealed the importance of patent registration to protect ideas and innovations, as well as various aspects related to the process of patent registration and protection in Indonesia.
“The ‘first to file’ principle is very important, as it emphasises that whoever registers first will get legal protection. Therefore, it is important to immediately take care of IPR registration so that our copyrights and innovations are well protected,” she explained.
The event continued with a question and answer session guided by the moderator, Ir. Agung Budi Muljono, S.T, M.T. IPU. The participants enthusiastically asked various questions related to the mechanism of registration and protection of IPR.
In closing, the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. expressed his appreciation for organising this workshop which was considered very useful for lecturers and researchers. “The achievement of IPR of University of Mataram continues to increase every year. In 2024, the number of IPRs recorded will reach 238, an achievement to be proud of. The spirit to produce research products that benefit the community must continue to be fostered, especially among young researchers,” he said.
This workshop is expected to encourage increased awareness of the importance of IPR protection among lecturers and researchers at Unram. It is hoped that through this activity, researchers can be more proactive in protecting their work and making the research carried out more useful for the community.