Unram Fully Supports Disabled People in the 2024 Mandiri Path UTBK Test

Mataram, University of Mataram – Budi Hartawan, a prospective student of Universitas Mataram (Unram) who is also person with disability, graduated from Senior High School 6 Mataram, took the Mandiri Computer-based Exam (UTBK) test at the Computer Laboratory of the Academic Support Unit of the Unram Information Technology and Computer Center (UPA Pustik) on Sunday (14/7).
The man who was born in Buwuh chose the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program and the Communication Science Study Program in the Unram Mandiri Pathway selection. He admitted that he chose the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program because it was linear with his interests during high school, while the choice of Communication Science was so he could improve his communication skills.
“I chose Indonesian Language and Literature because of my interest from high school, where I also majored in languages. For Communication Science, I want to be able to communicate and be able to communicate well,” said Budi.
Budi further revealed his reasons for choosing Unram in continuing his studies because his interests and desired majors were at Unram, he was inspired and motivated by other students with disabilities at Unram so Budi solidified his choice at Unram.
When interviewed by the Unram Public Relations Team, Budi admitted that he was a little familiar with the Unram environment because he had visited the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Unram several times to watch the Theater Putih. Through the same opportunity Budi revealed a few obstacles faced by friends with disabilities in continuing to university.
” A lot of disabled friends are not able to go to university. Not because of economic disadvantage, but because of their ability and age, because when they were in high school, some of them were 22 years old. Luckily, I entered high school at the right age, even though I had to change schools,” he concluded.
Budi also revealed that he felt helped by the assistance provided by the committee during the UTBK Test.
“I feel very assisted, I was helped to read the exam questions. I was pressed for time so the person who assisted me read it faster,” said Budi.
Budi’s limitations have not stopped him from continuing his studies and achieving his dreams. The man who has participated in the National Student Paralympic Week (PEPARPENAS) X Year 2023 in Palembang organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia for the 100m and 200m running sports explained his desire to be a diligent and independent student and aspire to become a lecturer and writer so he hopes to be accepted at Unram.
On this occasion Budi also conveyed encouragement to other friends with disabilities to continue to be enthusiastic and not drop out of school.
“Keep up the spirit for everyone to not drop out of school, hopefully you will become successful people,” he concluded.
Unram is committed to creating an academic environment that is fair, equitable, and full of opportunities and becoming an inclusive educational institution that supports all groups including people with disabilities. Unram believes that everyone has the same rights and opportunities to be able to access education to achieve the future.