Unram Held Socialization of Non-ASN Data Collection Policies and Applications

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – Universitas Mataram (Unram) held a Socialization of Non-ASN Data Collection Policies and Applications to representatives of sub-units within Unram. This socialization event is related to filling in data or uploading data for non-ASN personnel within the Ministry in general. This activity took place in the Senate Session Room of the Rectorate on Friday, October 14, 2022.
Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Prof. Dr. Kurniawan, S.H., M.Hum. opened the official socialization ceremony. He conveyed the description of the obstacles experienced in employee data collection, rank raising, and so on. Prof. Kurniawan also emphasized that Unram is very concerned about the non-ASN personnel it has. This is proven by the efforts made in the upload and data collection process.
“We were given a very limited time last week, as much as possible to be able to fill in or upload data. Because there are still many who have not been able to enter the data, we try to implement or make a letter of application to the Ministry to be extended or reopened. And Alhamdulillah, we are approved until the 22nd, we are still allowed to fill in or upload our energy data,” he said.
The Vice Rector 2 hopes that this activity can help employees in solving obstacles and understand better related to staffing, taking care of promotions, and so on.
The socialization of Non-ASN Data Collection Policies and Applications was filled virtually by Wahyu, S.Kom., M.A.P. as Director of Data Management and Presentation of Personnel Information. And continued by Indana Zulfa, S.Kom. from the Directorate of Development and Development of ASN Information Systems. And on that occasion, the Director of Data Management and Staffing of BKN was also present in person at the socialization. This activity was attended by the deputy deans of each faculty, bureau heads, coordinators and sub-coordinators within Unram.