Unram Holds Briefing on PKM to Face External PKP2 Assessment in 2024

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) held a briefing in preparation for the assessment of the progress of the implementation of the external Student Creativity Program (PKM) in 2024. The event took place on Sunday, July 21, 2024 at the Unram Dome Building and was officially opened by the Head of the Student Affairs Working Group H. Abdul Faruk, M.M.
The briefing was attended by a number of Unram students who are actively involved in various PKM fields, as well as their supervisors. The main purpose of this event is to provide guidance and strategies to students in order to optimize the implementation and results of the PKM they develop.
“With the increasingly rigorous external PKP2 assessment, Unram is committed to providing maximum support to students in developing and evaluating their PKM projects,” Abdul Faruk said in his speech.
In addition to the briefing session, the event also included interactive workshops guided by relevant lecturers to help students overcome various technical and administrative challenges in the implementation of their PKM.
The students in attendance welcomed the event as a means to deepen their understanding of the external PKP2 assessment criteria as well as gain new insights into drafting effective reports and presentations.
With high enthusiasm, they hope that the preparations they make through this debriefing can bring excellent results during the assessment later.
The PKM debriefing event is also a momentum to strengthen collaboration between students, supervisors, and the university in creating an academic environment conducive to innovation and the development of students’ creative ideas.
As one of the leading universities in Indonesia, Unram continues to provide its best support in preparing students to face various competitions and national level assessments.