Unram Holds Workshop on LED Review and Assistance in Preparation of International Accreditation Documents Based on ACQUIN

Mataram, University of Mataram – UP Accreditation Acceleration University of Mataram (UPPA Unram) held a workshop to increase capacity and preparation for international accreditation entitled “LED Review and Assistance in Preparing Supporting Documents for Parts I and II of ACQUIN-Based International Accreditation” for the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) and the Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences (FHISIP) Unram in hybrid, online through Zoom Meeting and offline at the Lombok Astoria Hotel on Friday, September 13, 2024 to Saturday, September 14, 2024.
This workshop presented competent speakers in their fields, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Narsa, SE., M.Si., CMA., CSRS., S. Ak., CA. from Airlangga University with the material “Preparation of Semester Learning Plans (RPS) and Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL)”, and Dr. Wiwik Sri Utami, M.P., who presented the material “Preparation of Semester Learning Plans with an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Approach based on Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023.
In his presentation, Prof. Narsa explained about the preparation of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) and the measurement of Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL), as well as the seven steps of the OBE curriculum and learning methods in the RPS. In his opinion, the OBE (Outcome-Based Education) approach starts with clear learning outcomes. Prof. Narsa also highlighted that OBE has three main principles: focus on student competency, various ways and times in assessing, and the success of all students as the main goal.
“OBE is measured based on students’ ability to fulfill the outcome criteria that have been determined, so the concept of improvement is relevant and must continue to be applied in the learning process,” explained Prof. Narsa.
On the other hand, Dr. Wiwik Sri Utami, M.P. explained the principles of OBE in higher education is the alignment of learning outcomes, learning activities, and assessment which is a continuous development process by following the PPEPP cycle.
Dr. Wiwik also explained the three principles of OBE: Clarity of Focus, where CPL must be achieved within a certain period of time; Expanded Opportunities, which provides opportunities for students to achieve assessment standards through remediation; and High Expectation, which sets high competencies for students.
The workshop was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si. In her remarks, she said that Unram currently has four main programs that are being boosted, which are excellent accreditation, increasing Main Performance Indicators (IKU), World Class University, and heading towards a State University with Legal Status (PTN BH).
Prof. Nana also highlighted Unram’s achievements in various world rankings such as the 22nd rank in Times Higher Education and QS World University Rankings at the 19th Best PTN in Indonesia, as well as Unram’s target to become PTN BH in 2025.
“To achieve PTN BH, one of our challenges is the number of study programs with superior accreditation and an increase in income of at least 30 percent of PNBP revenue. However, we are sure that with hard work, Unram’s dream to become a globally competitive university can be realized in 2025,” explained Prof. Nana.
In addition, Prof. Nana conveyed important messages related to accreditation, especially in the preparation of the LED (Self Evaluation Report). She emphasized that Unram must be more courageous in portraying achievements and big dreams in the LED. “Don’t be too humble and shy in conveying who we are. We must dare to show our big dreams supported by accurate data,” she emphasized.
This workshop is expected to encourage the preparation of international accreditation documents and strengthen Unram’s position at the national and international levels as well as improve strategic achievements that bring Unram to become a globally competitive university.
This workshop is an important momentum to ensure that Unram can optimize the national and international accreditation process, as well as encourage the improvement of IKU, in order to produce the best graduates who are ready to contribute to the development of the nation and state.