Unram Hosted the 39th PIT HATHI, Ready to Facilitate Farmer Groups to Develop Sorghum

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – Universitas Mataram (Unram) hosted the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) of the Indonesian Hydraulic Engineering Experts Association (HATHI). The opening of the PIT HATHI activity was held at the Auditorium of M. Yusuf Abu Bakar Unram on Friday night (28/10).
Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr, St, Ph.D when asked to deliver a speech at the opening ceremony of the 39th PIT HATHI said that West Nusa Tenggara has a fairly large area of dry land. “We from universities are challenged to how to hold water in several dry places scattered in NTB,” he said.
Rector Unram also conveyed related to problems that occurred in several areas in NTB such as pump cases in North Lombok Regency (KLU) and areas in South Lombok.
“Some pumps at KLU may need to be reactivated, developed and innovated. There is also something we need to convey regarding problems in several corners of NTB that lack water, especially in the dry season, especially in South Lombok,” explained the professor of the faculty of agriculture.
On this occasion, Prof. Bambang also greeted the group of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and the participants of the 39th PIT HATHI who were present at the event. “Thank you for the arrival of the minister and all. Welcome to Unram, welcome to the island of Lombok. Please, ladies and gentlemen, participants enjoy this beautiful island. Hopefully we can continue to welcome our guests,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of HATHI who is also the Director General of Water Resources (SDA) of PUPR, Ir. Jarot Widyoko, Sp-1, said that there is a collaboration with Unram to facilitate groups of farmers in developing sorghum on an area of 120 hectares in Akar-akar Village and 70 hectares in the Batujai Dam area. “At this time as a pilot project, it will be planted on an area of 10 hectares in Akar-akar Village and 10 hectares in Batujai Village,” explained Jarot.
The Minister of PUPR, Dr. Ir. M. Basoeki Hadimoeljono, M.Sc. said that this year’s HATHI PIT was assembled with the signing of an MoU with university rectors. “I have made a decision later at the PUPR project site, for example a dam. Surely every dam has a laboratory by a service provider. After completion, I will hand over the laboratory equipment to the adjacent university,” he explained.
The PUPR Minister also hopes that the activities carried out can be a contribution to improving human resources in the regions. “Even in every province where PIT HATHI is held, one lecturer from a university in the province must be sent by the hall at the expense of the hall. That’s all so that we can form collaboration between the PUPR ministry and universities,” he said.
Dr. Basoeki also explained that the existing MoU is not only an agreement regarding the internship program. “So why was there an MoU earlier, in addition to internships and so on, it is also to improve facilities, especially laboratories. If there is a minimum in the dam, there must be a soil mechanics laboratory and it must be handed over,” concluded the Minister of PUPR.