Unram Improves Accreditation Quality Through ACQUIN-Based International Workshop

Mataram, University of Mataram – UP Accreditation Acceleration of University of Mataram (Unram) conducted ACQUIN-based International Accreditation LED Preparation Assistance Workshop Cluster Faculty of Law, Social Sciences, and Political Sciences (FHISIP) and Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the Golden Palace Hotel for two days from July 1 to 2, 2024.
The workshop was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Head of Academic and Student Affairs Bureau; Head and Secretary of LPMPP; Manager and Member of UP Accreditation Acceleration; Cluster Team, Vice Dean 1, and GPM from FHISIP and FKIP; as well as all Heads of Study Program and representatives of the accreditation team of FHISIP and FKIP study programs.
Starting the workshop, the Head of UP Accreditation Acceleration, Dr. Nurhidayati, M.Kes. in her report said that this workshop presented two resource speakers from University of Bengkulu namely Fransiska Timoria Samosir, S.Sos., M.A and Dr. Iwan Setiawan, S.Si., M.Sc.
He also explained that the Unram Accreditation Acceleration Unit has been working to accelerate Unram’s accreditation in accordance with previous meetings, where there have been four activities designed related to the preparation of ACQUIN-based accreditation documents.
However, on May 28, 2024, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has revised the decision related to accreditation institutions recognized by Kemendikbudristek and can be recognized in the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of universities.
“It caused us to have to remodel all the previous planning of the accreditation agencies approved by the Ministry. We then together with LPMPP have discussed that we will aim for four different accreditation agencies, which are ACQUIN, IABEE, ASIIN, and AACSB,” she said.
Furthermore, Dr. Nurhidayati emphasized the importance of cooperation and coordination between the various parties involved in this accreditation process.
The Head of Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Dwi Siswanto, S.Kom., MM, in his speech highlighted the achievement of accreditation at Unram. “As we all know, Unram’s current achievements are related to the accreditation of 79 existing study programs, there are 9 study programs that have been accredited as excellent, 65 study programs that are accredited as excellent or B, and the remaining 5 study programs are accredited as C. Of course, efforts to improve continue to be made. Of course, improvement efforts continue to be made at Unram both in increasing the level of accreditation and in improving governance to support accreditation,” he said.
In addition, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si. revealed, “This workshop is part of our efforts to continuously improve the quality of education at Unram. By following international accreditation standards such as ACQUIN, we not only improve academic quality but also the global competitiveness of our university. I hope all participants can take advantage of this opportunity to learn and share experiences, so that the accreditation process can run smoothly and successfully.”
The materials presented consisted of “Overview of Documents, Facilities and Infrastructure Supporting ACQUIN-Based International Accreditation at the University, UPPS and Study Program Levels” delivered by Dr. Sitti Laifah, M.Sc.F.; “Sharing Session Preparation for ACQUIN International Accreditation FH” delivered by Fransiska Timoria Samosir, S.Sos., M.A.; and “Sharing Session Preparation for ACQUIN International Accreditation FKIP” delivered by Dr. Iwan Setiawan, S.Si., M.Sc.