Unram KKN PMD Debriefing Focuses on Product Development and Digital Marketing Based on Green Economy and Blue Economy

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held a briefing for students who will take part in the Real Work Lecture Program for Village Community Empowerment (KKN PMD) for the December 2024 to February 2025 period. The two-day event took place on Saturday and Sunday, December 7-8, 2024 virtually through Zoom Meeting.
Under the theme “Product Development and Digital Marketing Oriented to Green Economy and Blue Economy”, the debriefing attended by 2,120 students who will be placed in 213 villages aims to prepare students in implementing sustainable community empowerment-based programs.
Head of the Center for KKN and Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST., MT., IPU. in his report said “Currently the number of students participating in KKN activities in West Lombok Regency is 443 students spread across 43 villages, North Lombok Regency 278 students spread across 28 villages, East Lombok Regency with 1051 students spread across 107 villages, Central Lombok Regency 329 students spread across 33 villages, Dompu Regency 10 students in 1 village, and Bima Regency with 10 students in 01 village,” said Dr. Misbahuddin.
In addition, the distribution of Field Supervisors (DPL) for the Unram PMD KKN program for the period December 2024 to February 2025 covers six regions in West Nusa Tenggara. East Lombok Regency is the region with the largest number of villages, 107 villages with 107 DPLs, followed by West Lombok Regency with 43 DPLs in 43 villages, Central Lombok Regency with 33 DPLs in 33 villages, and North Lombok Regency with 28 DPLs in 28 villages. On the other hand, West Sumbawa Regency and Bima City each have 1 DPL in 1 village. This distribution is a reflection of Unram’s commitment in supporting community empowerment evenly in various regions.
On the same occasion Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as the Head of LPPM Unram in his speech said “This briefing is expected to provide students with knowledge and skills to develop village potential creatively and innovatively. By utilizing green and blue economy-based approaches, students are expected to be able to encourage the transformation of villages into more productive, sustainable, and adaptive areas,” he concluded.
Furthermore, the Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture emphasized “Through this KKN debriefing, students are not only invited to contribute to the development of local potential, but also promote sustainable economic practices based on the preservation of natural resources. This is in line with Unram’s vision to become a superior and globally competitive university,” said Prof. Sukartono.
The Unram KKN PMD briefing emphasizes the development of local products based on the green and blue economy that not only supports environmental preservation, but is also able to increase the competitiveness of village products in the global market.
On the other hand, this briefing activity presents competent speakers and constructive material so that KKN Unram students can have an impact in the community in overcoming problems and effectively processing village potential.
With this comprehensive briefing, Unram KKN PMD students are expected to conduct KKN PMD with enthusiasm and innovation, make a real contribution to the empowerment of rural communities, and support the achievement of sustainable development through the green and blue economy.