Unram KKN-PMD Students Socialise Prevention of Non-Procedural Migrant Workers in Central Lombok

Mataram, University of Mataram – KKN-PMD students of University of Mataram (Unram) carried out socialisation activities for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in Tampak Siring Village, Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency. In this socialisation activity, KKN-PMD Unram raised the title “Prevention of Non-Procedural Indonesian Migrant Workers as Community Participation in Suppressing the Number of Human Trafficking Crimes” and successfully attracted the attention of local residents. This socialisation activity was held on Thursday, 25 July 2024.
Participants who attended this activity consisted of local communities, such as members of Karang Taruna, posyandu cadres, and village officials. H. Kadarusna, S.H. as a representative of the NTB Provincial Labour and Transmigration Office, also contributed as a speaker in this activity.
Also present on the occasion was the Head of Tampak Siring Village, represented by the Village Secretary, Sudirman, who opened the socialisation event and expressed his hope that the information obtained from this activity would become a forum for knowledge and learning, as well as adding insight related to the procedures for working abroad in accordance with predetermined procedures in order to avoid the persuasion of middlemen / brokers in the placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad.
The speaker at this socialisation activity, Kadarusna, presented several materials which included the area of protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers, the requirements for working abroad, an understanding of Non-Procedural Indonesian Migrant Workers, and some of the dangers of Non-Procedural Migrant Workers. This socialisation activity began with the presentation of the material which was then followed by a Q&A session involving the participants.
The enthusiasm of the residents in attendance shows the great attention to this issue. This activity also discussed the legal process and protection that can be obtained by the community. Through the discussion session, it is hoped that it can reduce cases of Indonesian Migrant Workers who face problems abroad.
The head of the KKN-PMD Unram group in Tampak Siring Village, Ikhlasul Amal, conveyed his reasons and hopes for carrying out this socialisation activity on Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).
“We want to raise public awareness about the dangers and risks of becoming a non-procedural migrant worker. In addition, this socialisation also aims to strengthen community participation in efforts to prevent Trafficking in Persons (TPPO), which is often the result of illegal migrant workers,” he concluded.