Unram LMS Workshop: Improve Learning Quality in Accreditation Standards

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Quality Assurance and Learning Development Institute (LPMPP) of the University of Mataram (Unram) organised a workshop entitled Learning Management System (LMS) in Improving the Learning Process in Accordance with Higher Education Accreditation Standards. The activity held on Saturday (26/10) at the Golden Palace Hotel was attended by more than 100 lecturers from various faculties at Unram.
Head of LPMPP Unram, Dr. Ir. Sitti Latifah, M.Sc.F., IPU, in her direction, explained that the main purpose of this workshop is to introduce the LMS platform that will be used in the learning process. She hopes that this LMS will be able to bridge lecturers in digital-based teaching and can be implemented massively within Unram.
“With the LMS, we can facilitate more effective learning, where lecturers and students can connect more easily, especially for various academic activities,” she said.
This workshop received appreciation from Unram’s Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana. In her speech, she stated that the implementation of LMS will bring efficiency, both in terms of labour, time, and cost. She also appreciated the enthusiasm of the young lecturers who participated in this workshop.
“With one platform, we can manage learning in a more structured way, which certainly has an impact on improving the quality of education at Unram,” she said.
Three competent speakers attended this activity to share knowledge and practices related to LMS. Azhari Hasbi, S.T., delivered the material “Creating Courses and Content in Moodle”, Dr. Alim Sumarno, M.Pd. from Surabaya State University provided two materials related to “Interactive Features in Moodle” and “User Management and Assessment”, and Fitri Bimantoro, S.T., M.Kom. who discussed “Assignment Delivery and LMS Assistance Process”.
This workshop is expected to result in significant outcomes, namely the use of LMS in every course in the study programme, more organised LMS management by young lecturers, and improved learning quality at Unram.