Unram Mengabdi: Mangrove Restoration at Gerupuk Beach Supports Net Zero Emission Target

Mataram, University of Mataram – The University of Mataram (Unram) held Unram Mengabdi Year 2024 in Ebangah Hamlet, Sengkol Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency (10/8). This activity was held for Mangrove Restoration in the area to support Net Zero Emission which was centred on Gerupuk Beach.
The activity began with planting mangrove trees, where there were 3,000 seedlings planted with the type of Rhizophora sp. In this activity, the Rector of Unram, Head of LPPM, Head of Senate, Head of UPA Integrated Lab, Deans within Unram, Head of Lombok Marine Aquaculture Centre, Representative of Bank Indonesia NTB, Head of LPP TVRI NTB, Head of Fordas NTB, Director of Transform, Director of ITDC, Marine Science Institute University of Philippines, Village Heads and Kadus from 7 Mandalika SEZ Buffer Villages and Real Work Lecture (KKN) Groups spread across 7 Mandalika SEZ Buffer Villages.
The Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. gave a report that this service was coupled with several different sub-activities with the aim of developing a green economy and blue economy.
“We are doing Unram Mengabdi 2024 in waves, but the big topic is that Unram dedicates to maintaining a sustainable tourism ecosystem in the Mandalika area. Of course, there are many sub-activities carried out, starting on 23 July we released 10 KKN groups in 10 Mandalika buffer villages with different topics. But in principle the topic of activity is to lead to the development of a green economy and blue economy. In addition, the research lecturers also conducted various activities, namely trainings. But today is the peak of Unram Mengabdi, where our goal is to maintain the aquatic ecosystem of this coastal area, so that tourism also continues and the community’s economy can also be better. Last year we planted 2,500 seedlings and 80 per cent lived, and this year we planted 3,000 seedlings,” he explained.
Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. as the Rector of Unram, gave a speech as well as closing the activity said that in this service, the role of the community is also needed to participate in maintaining the development of mangroves.
“We have gone through a participatory mangrove planting process. Where the paradigm of service is that we do not just come, we also serve with the community and please encourage the community to participate in planting, because if the community does not participate in planting, then the sense of belonging is lacking. Hopefully, the mangroves that we plant can develop, not only as a new ecosystem place for crab shrimp but also can be developed into mangrove ecotourism like the one in Sekotong. This dedication is a noble activity that is very remarkable, of course not only short-term benefits but long-term, this is an extraordinary breakthrough,” said the Rector of Unram.
On this occasion, Prof Bambang also conveyed the importance of mangrove trees in reducing the greenhouse effect.
“Mangrove trees also absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, this is very instrumental in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. With the reduction of greenhouse gases, it will certainly reduce the Greenhouse Effect which then reduces global warming, of course, due to climate change that we really feel,” he continued.
After the closing of the activity, several trainings were continued to the community. One of them was the training given by Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Michael Yu Roleda from Marine Science Institute, College of Science, University of Philippines, Dilman, Quezon, Philippines on Increase Seaweed Farming Activity Via Post Harvest Strategies. Prof Michael also participated in the mangrove planting.