Unram Officially Opened its 62nd Dies Natalis: Transformation Towards World Class University for Golden Indonesia

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) officially opened the 62nd Dies Natalis celebration on Friday, September 27, 2024 at the Unram Rectorate Field. The theme of this year is “Transforming Towards a World Class University for Golden Indonesia”. This theme is in line with Unram’s vision and the national development of Golden Indonesia 2045.
The event began with a report from the Head of the Committee, Agustono Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., who emphasized the importance of Unram’s transformation to a better direction.
“This theme is not only symbolic, but also the direction of Unram’s transformation in the future, in line with Unram’s vision and the great goals of this nation in welcoming the Golden Indonesia 2024,” he said.
The series of 62nd Dies Natalis activities include various events, including scientific orations, innovation contests, Unram Awards, national and international conferences, community service in collaboration with universities throughout Indonesia, social services, blood donations, free health checks, mangrove planting at Cemara Beach, Unram Career Week, sports competitions, campus arrangements, and cockatiel competitions.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, in her speech expressed great hope for this series of events.
“The 62nd Dies Natalis is expected to be a momentum for the entire Unram academic community to further strengthen our commitment to innovate and collaborate towards Unram that is better and globally competitive,” said Prof. Nana.
The opening of the 62nd Dies Natalis was symbolically marked by the release of 62 pigeons, which symbolizes the age of Unram and the hope to continue to fly high in achieving achievements. The event then continued with a healthy walk together which was followed by the entire Unram academic community.
With a series of lively activities and active participation from the entire academic community, the 62nd Dies Natalis is expected to run smoothly and benefits the entire Unram community.