Unram Receives 4 Abdidaya Ormawa Awards 2023

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) won 4 (four) awards in the Abdidaya Ormawa 2023 event organized by the Directorate of Student Affairs and Learning (Dit. Belmawa) on December 7-9, 2023, at the University of Jember.
Unram won the award for the 2nd Best Student Organization Support System in the category of the Most Visionary Ormawa achieved by the Student Association of Researchers, Developers and Servants of Animal Science FAPET Unram, the 3rd Best Supervisor in the category of the Most Innovative Assistance Lecturer achieved by Prof. Muhamad Ali, S.Pt., M.Si., Ph.D..
Furthermore, the 3rd Best Higher Education Support System Category of the Most Active Higher Education, and the 4th Best Implementation Team Category of Impact and Continuity of the Previously Significant Program with the program name is Digitalization of Livestock Posyandu System to Increase Livestock Production in Gumantar Village, North Lombok Regency.
With the theme “Strengthening the Capacity of Student Organizations in Fostering the Spirit of Leadership Based on Pancasila in order to Realize Strong Ormawa, Superior Villages and Advanced Indonesia”, Abdidaya Ormawa was held as a form of appreciation for the entire support system for PPK Ormawa activities.