Unram Receives Benchmarking Visit from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung to Discuss Academic Administration and Graduation Management

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram received a visit from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in the order of benchmarking activities on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at the Main Conference Room, Unram Rectorate. This visit aims to discuss improving academic administration governance and graduation management.
UIN Bandung’s academic team was warmly welcomed by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana accompanied by the Head of Academic and Student Affairs Bureau of Unram, Dwi Siswanto, S.Kom., MM.
In his speech, Prof. Nana emphasized the importance of sharing and collaboration between universities in various aspects, especially related to academic administration governance.
The Head of the Academic Administration, Student Affairs, and Cooperation Bureau of UIN Bandung, Dr. Drs. H. Nur Arifin, M.Pd., said that the purpose of his team’s arrival was to study academic governance and graduation management in Unram so that the management could be modeled within UIN Bandung.
“We want to know and learn about academic administration governance and also the management of graduation conducted by Unram. We believe that Unram has good administrative governance so that it can be an example for UIN Bandung,” he said.
The discussion session went on interactively, where Dwi Siswanto, S.Kom., MM, as Head of Academic and Student Affairs Bureau of Unram explained further about the graduation management that is usually applied at Unram.
“Unram holds four graduation periods in a year, in March, June, September, and December, which are usually divided into two days in each graduation period. Dwi Siswanto also explained that the transfer of the graduation locks was carried out in March, June, September, and December, which is usually divided into two days in each graduation period,” he said.
Dwi Siswanto also explained that the transfer of the graduation locks was symbolically represented by the best graduates who only transferred the locks by the Rector and other students will follow to transfer the locks independently so as to shorten the graduation time.
Furthermore, Dwi Siswanto also explained that students who received the cum laude title, their parents or guardians were prioritized to witness the graduation activities inside the auditorium and the parents of other students could watch the graduation activities outside the auditorium that has been provided.
“When we call the graduates, we make 4 lines so that in one call, 4 graduates directly step up to the stage and are given a symbolic folder because the new diploma will be distributed after they finish the graduation. In addition, during the graduation activities we inserted entertainment from both the students and graduates such as dances and songs so that the graduation ceremony took place lively, “said Dwi Siswanto.
For academic administration governance related to study limits, Dwi Siswanto explained that Unram relies on Ministry of Education and Culture regulations that students who have completed their studies but have not graduated do not have to pay tuition fees (UKT). To determine whether a student has completed the study period or graduated, it can be seen based on the Judiciary Decree.
In granting a diploma, Unram will verify the data and also cross-check the data from the student who states that all personal data listed in the diploma draft is correct, then the diploma can be published.
This benchmarking activity is expected to strengthen further collaboration between Unram and UIN Bandung so as to encourage the exchange of knowledge and practices in the implementation of academic governance and better graduation in the future.