Unram Receives Visit from BNSP Full Assessment Team for Professional Certification

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Full Assessment Team of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) consisting of Robiatul Adawiyah and Kurniawati arrived at the University of Mataram (Unram) on October 28-29, 2023. They visited the Rector’s Conference Room at the Rectorate of Unram. The purpose of this visit was to conduct a full evaluation and assessment of the Unram P1 Professional Certification Institute (LSP). The team will assess various aspects related to the professional certification process at the university.
The presence of the BNSP Full Assessment Team is an important step of ensuring that Unram meets the standards and quality set in the professional certification process. Robiatul Adawiyah and Kurniawati as team members will conduct a comprehensive assessment of Unram’s LSP P1, including looking for infrastructure, evaluation procedures, and qualifications of assessors. The results of this assessment will serve as a guideline for the development and improvement of the professional certification program at Unram in the future.