Unram Socializes Scheme of Research and Domestic and International Funding, Encourages Synergy at National and International levels

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) successfully held a Socialization of Research Schemes and Potential Research Funding for Domestic and International Cooperation on Tuesday (27/8) at the Senate Conference Room, Unram Rectorate. This important event was attended by Unram academics and researchers, including elements from the Institute for Research to the Community (LPPM Unram).
The socialization of research schemes and the potential for research funding and domestic and international cooperation presented the Director of Research, Technology and Community Service of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Faiz Syuaib, M.Agr., IPU, with material on “Transformation of DIKTI Research Strengthening and Development Policy: Synergy and Collaboration Towards Excellent Indonesia, the Role of DRTPM-Diktiristek in Supporting the Higher Education Research Ecosystem,” and moderated by Muhammad Bai’ul Hak, SE., M. App. Ec. lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Unram.
In his presentation, Prof. Faiz emphasized the importance of cross-sector collaboration in research to strengthen the research ecosystem in higher education. He also discussed the strategic role of DRTPM-Diktiristek in providing support for research in Indonesia, as well as various funding opportunities that can be utilized by Unram researchers.
Rector of Unram, Prof. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. in his speech said that in order to encourage lecturer performance, Unram provides various types of incentives designed to appreciate the contribution and increase the motivation of teaching staff to carry out their duties in academics, research, and community service.
“To claim incentives, it is no longer the way it used to be in the past with complicated entries. Unram now uses the system, starting since I was mandated to be Rector. If not us who change Unram then who else, we cannot rely on other people to change Unram. We can only be facilitated from outside and we are the ones who raise the image of Unram and bring Unram to a world class university and towards PTN BH, “said Prof. Bambang.
This activity is expected to encourage the improvement of the quality and quantity of research at Unram, as well as strengthen research cooperation with various institutions both at domestic and international levels.