Unram Strengthens TUK Development, BNSP Ready to Fully Support

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) through the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) held a Competency Test Site (TUK) witnessing event on Saturday, 14 September 2024 in the Rector’s Conference Room, Unram Rectorate.
The event was attended by two Assessors of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), Mohammad Zubair and Aziz Afandi Budiharjo, who also gave directions regarding the management and development of TUK at Unram.
In her speech, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, affirmed Unram’s strong commitment in preparing TUK under the coordination of the Institute for Quality Assurance and Learning Development (LPMPP).
“Currently, Unram has 11 TUKs spread across various faculties, and we are committed to increasing the number of TUKs in the future, in order to increase opportunities for students to obtain nationally recognised certification,” said Prof. Nana.
Meanwhile, Mohammad Zubair from BNSP conveyed the importance of increasing the number of TUK schemes at Unram to cover more areas of competence.
“We from BNSP are ready to support Unram in developing more TUK certification schemes. The most important thing is the full support of the rector, dean, and all members of the university so that the management of TUK runs optimally,” said Zubair.
He also encouraged Unram to expand cooperation with professional associations and industries in Mataram City. According to him, collaboration with local industries will provide greater benefits for students in connecting the academic world with industrial needs.
“With such cooperation, the benefits generated will be greater, both for students and industry,” he added.
The event was also filled with interviews with the management of LSP Unram, which discussed Unram’s preparation in organising certification tests. The BNSP assessors then visited several TUKs in Unram’s faculties to ensure the readiness of the facilities and standards applied.
This activity is a strategic step for Unram in improving the quality of graduates who are competent and ready to compete in the world of work, through a nationally recognised professional certification scheme.