Unram Successfully Organizes Porseni 2023

Published On: 30 October, 2023By Tags: , ,

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) successfully held the closing of the Unram Sports and Arts Week (Porseni) 2023 on Saturday (28/10) at the Unram Dome. This Porseni is a multi sports and arts event in order to develop and improve student achievement in the fields of sports and arts.

The Vice Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Dr. Muh. Makhrus, M.Pd as the Chairperson of Porseni Unram 2023 committee expressed his gratitude and pride for the success of Porseni Unram 2023.

“Alhamdulillah, Porseni has been successfully held. This is a great achievement and we hope that next year the Porseni event can be organized more enthusiastically and even better,” said Makhrus.

Makhrus announced that Porseni 2023 went smoothly in all aspects of sports and arts. All participants, from the first to the third semester, showed their talents and abilities with high dedication. The winners in the various Porseni 2023 competitions were recognized as young and talented students that are capable as Unram representatives, both at the faculty and university levels.

In conclusion, Makhrus congratulated and expressed his gratitude to all the winners of Porseni 2023 and then officially closed the Porseni Unram 2023.