Unram’s 60th Anniversary Series Became an Event to Improve the Creative Economy

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The series of the 60th Anniversary of the University of Mataram (Unram) was held lively again. Unram held a healthy walk which was held on Saturday (15/10) with a gathering point at the Unram Rectorate Square and a fashion show competition at the Unram Dome Building on Sunday (16/10).
The healthy walk event was attended by around 5,000 participants consisting of all levels of the Unram academic community, Unram’s sponsor partners, and the general public. Accompanied by The Beleq Drum, the healthy road route starts from unram rectorate field to Majapahit and Airlangga roads, then enters Youth road, then enters the Unram campus area and finally returns to Unram Rectorate Field.
Meanwhile, at the venue there were various bazaars held, both from Unram and sponsor partners. Various types of MSME products ranging from food and beverages, clothing, handicrafts such as paintings from dried banana tree leaves, and other local products were sold at the event.
Eva Yolanda is presented as a guest star. On that occasion, an electric car was also launched by the Faculty of Engineering Unram, and ended with the distribution of door prizes.
Furthermore, on Sunday (16/10) Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Unram held a Sasambo fashion show competition which was attended by students and members of DWP Unram. Starting with a choir and dance from DWP Unram, in the fashion show parade, dwp Unram leaders performed stunningly in Sasambo-themed outfits. Mbkm program students from various regions also appeared in the fashion show wearing traditional clothes from all provinces in Indonesia.
Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. also appreciated the idea of DPW Unram in holding the competition.
“This time, we made the 60th anniversary of Unram a bit long. We want this dies to be festive, the people involved in a healthy walk are extraordinarily festive, very long lines of participants. And today we will look at the fashion show competition. The essence of this competition is to improve the creative economy, especially for those who make ikat weavings, there are weavings called Sasambo from various regions in NTB, there are Sasak, Samawa, Mbojo,” said Prof. Bambang.
He said that in the future, dies natalis activities and other Unram activities, must be a driver to improve the creative economy specifically in NTB.