Unram’s 62nd Dies Natalis Scientific Oration: Building Research Excellence Center for World Class University

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) successfully held a Senate Open Meeting in the context of the 62nd Dies Natalis at the Senate Conference Room, Unram Rectorate Building on Tuesday (19/11). The event was attended by important figures, including the Acting Governor of NTB, Deputy Executive Director of the Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI), Rector and Vice Rector of Unram, Head and Members of the Unram Senate, Professors, Forkopimda, Head of the NTB Provincial DPRD, Mayor of Mataram, Heads of Service, lecturers who have completed the Doctoral Program, and other invited guests.
The series of peak events of this year’s Dies Natalis carries the theme “Transforming Towards a World-Class University for Golden Indonesia”. On this occasion, Dr. Teguh Rahardjo, who serves as Deputy Executive Director of DIPI and Secretary of the Governing Board of the Indonesian Non State Budget (Non APBN) Research and Technology Endowment Fund, was present as a guest speaker.
He delivered a scientific oration on “The Role of the Center of Excellence for National Research and Innovation to support World Class University”. In his speech, he explained that in line with the Minister’s announcement, that universities must prioritize research and lead to world-class university status.
Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D, in his speech said that Unram needs the support of all parties to continue to build and develop Unram.
“Unram is no longer young, we are 62 years old, maturing. With the age of Unram being 62 years old, of course we continue to improve. The point is that we can say that Unram is a mini Indonesia, once Unram is calm, there is no uproar, getting along well, building this nation and country together, this is an example of Unram successfully creating a mini Indonesia. Of course, we cannot be separated from the role of the academic community and the role of the local government. Unram and the Regional Government continue to work together to develop this region. Because after all, Unram cannot be alone in developing the nation, it definitely needs the local government, the business world, the industrial world, the community, and the media. We really hope for the support of all parties in developing the University of Mataram,” he said.
Acting Governor of NTB, Dr. Hassanudin, S.IP., MM, in his speech congratulated and thanked the entire academic community of Unram for its 62nd Dies Natalis this year.
” Increasingly one year of age has become a symbol of the birth of new thoughts, as a marker of reflection and motivation for us to continue to innovate for the advancement of education in the province of NTB. In this case, on behalf of the NTB provincial government, congratulations and thank you all to the university leaders, faculty leaders, all lecturers, and the entire academic community of the University of Mataram which of course every year as time goes by, we strongly believe with all your heart you have contributed in providing teaching, research, and community service,” he said.
As a closing remark, Dr. Hasanuddin, S.IP., MM, gave a motivational quote, “Indonesia can become a developed country if we have competitiveness by not only relying on comparative advantages by improving the quality of human resources through education, adding skills, knowledge, and technology as well as lifelong learning / innovation.”
In addition to scientific oration, this event was also coupled with the submission of award certificates to 37 lecturers who have completed the Doctoral Education Program. This charter was handed over directly by the Rector and the Head of the Unram Senate as a form of appreciation for the dedication of the lecturers in improving their academic competence.
This event is an important momentum to reflect on Unram’s journey in devoting itself to the nation and state through higher education. With the spirit of collaboration and innovation, Unram is committed to continuing to synergize together in improving the quality of education, research, and community service.