Unram-FIP2B; Food Security Solutions are on the Way

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Mataram (Unram) hold the First National Seminar on Marine and Fisheries (Semnas Lautan) 2022 with the theme “Transformation and Innovation of the Marine and Fisheries Sector in Answering the Title of National Food Security”, on Thursday (24/11) at the Golden Palace Hotel, Mataram. This activity is the result of collaboration between the Unram Marine Science Study Program and the Scientific Forum for Sustainable Fisheries Management (FIP2B).
Mahardika Rizqi Himawan, S.I.K., M.Si. as the Chairperson of the Semnas Lautan I organizing committee, reported the committee received 100 abstracts to be presented offline at the venue and online (online) . “In this panel, there is a special panel which is a collaboration between the Directorate General of Marine Space Management of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the FAO/GEF ISLME Project,” he explained.
In his remarks, the Chairman of FIP2B NTB, Dr. Soraya Gigentika, S.Pi., M.Si. stated that FIP2B NTB is committed to assisting the NTB Provincial Government in managing fisheries and marine and marine conservation areas through the provision of policy recommendations based on the resulting scientific studies. “This National Seminar is an important agenda every year because through the National Seminar activities we can disseminate research results that can then be formulated into strategies for carrying out sustainable fisheries and marine management in NTB Province,” he said.
The purpose of holding Semnas Lautan I is so that the science can be implemented for the general public. Representing the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ir. Bambang Dipo Kusumo, M.Si. as Deputy Dean 3 of the Faculty of Agriculture, expressed the hope that these sources of knowledge could be adopted by the community in the future. “In this seminar, we will get an overview of how to implement technology that can provide food for all of us,” he said to all the participants of the national seminar at the Golden Palace Hotel.
In line with what Dr. Bambang said, Prof. Dr. Ir. Enny Yuliani, M.Si. Vice Rector for Student Affairs, and the Alumni of Unram welcomed the implementation of the Semnas, which was there as an effort to explore the transformation and innovative ideas of marine and fisheries products in order to face urgent development challenges, increase competitiveness through bright ideas, and be a solution to food security in the future.
“One of the challenges in optimizing marine resources is to prevent economic losses from harvested marine products caused by decreased freshness and quality. Only through innovative processing technology can it turn fish into many variants of fishery products that have higher economic value through product innovation,” he explained.
Through this national seminar, there will be a forum for exchanging knowledge related to increasing the added value of products. “I hope that participants will be able to take advantage of opportunities to increase productivity in fisheries and marine-based food products, realize food self-sufficiency, promote global food safety policies, and play an active role in improving market nutrition. Through this opportunity, it can also maximize job opportunities or livelihoods for fishermen and communities while empowering women,” concluded Prof. Enny.
Meanwhile, in Semnas Lautan I, the keynote speakers were Dr. Ir. Muhammad Rijal Idrus, M.Sc. (Institute of Research and Community Service, Hasanuddin University) and Prof. Dr. Agung Damar Syakti, S.Pi., DEA (Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Tanjung Pinang). And the invited speakers: Muslim, S.T., M.Si. (Head of the NTB Provincial Marine and Fisheries Service); Mohamad Natsir, Ph.D. (Fisheries Research Center, BRIN); Dr. Sitti Hilyana (Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Unram); and Drs. Victor Gustaf Manoppo, M.H. (Director General of Marine Space Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries).