UP MBKM-IKU Unram Holds IKU 7 Review Workshop

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Acceleration Unit of Merdeka Campus Learning and Main Performance Indicators of the University of Mataram (UP MBKM-IKU Unram) held an IKU 7 Review Workshop on Thursday (22/2) at the Golden Palace Hotel, Mataram. The workshop was attended by the Head of UP MBKM-IKU and his team, and the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si.
In her remarks, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si. or commonly called Prof. Nana conveyed efforts to improve the achievement of Key Performance Indicator (IKU) 8 by preparing several programs to oversee the international accreditation process because the achievements in the previous year were still lacking.
” The University of Mataram should be able to achieve position 4, but because IKU 8 is still weak, it has to be in fifth position. Meanwhile, our other IKUs are superior to several other universities but because we are weaker in IKU 8, we are in the 5th position at that time,” said Prof Nana.
In addition, she also added that this IKU 7 review is very important to do, “Some of the rector’s priority programmes are based on how we design or arrange this curriculum, including international classes. We can do more if our curriculum is project-based. So please once again friends because this is very, very important and very crucial in guarding several priority programs of the University of Mataram including internationalization,” he added.
In addition, Prof. Dr. Aliefman Hakim, S.Si., M.Si. as a representative of UP MBKM-IKU Unram also said that all parties can work together to maintain the current IKU 7 value.
“So we from UP MBKM-IKU expect the cooperation of all of us so that the points of IKU 7 which are our workshop activities today can be maintained at a value of 10,” he said.
The IKU 7 review workshop is expected to be an important step for Unram in overseeing its priority programmes, including internationalization.