UPA. BKPK Unram Collaborates with Cristal Management Indonesia to Organise Softskill Training for Students

Mataram, University of Mataram – UPA Guidance Counselling and Career Development University of Mataram (BKPK Unram) in collaboration with Cristal Indonesia Management held Softskill Training Communication Skill Level 1 for Students with the theme “Realising the Quality of Students Who Have the Best Communication Skills in the Digital Era”. The event was held on 26 June 2024 in the Senate Conference Room 3rd Floor of the Unram Rectorate and was enthusiastically attended by Unram students from various faculties.
This activity was opened with prayer and remarks from the Head of Academic and Student Affairs Bureau of Unram, Dwi Siswanto, S.Kom., MM. He encouraged the students to participate in the training and also conveyed the importance of soft skills and communication science for students as the next generation of the nation.
The event then continued with the delivery of material and practice by Coach Risma Kusumanendra from Crystal Indonesia Management on verbal and non-verbal communication that can increase student confidence, public speaking skills, teamwork, problem solving, and leadership.
The event ended with a group photo and souvenirs from the Cristal Indonesia Manajemen Team containing the following quote:
“The success of young people in finding their identity is the main thing to improve themselves through the process of discipline, commitment, and enthusiasm, as well as good prejudice towards the future.”
Softskill training communication skill level 1 is one of Unram’s efforts to improve the quality of its students to have the best communication skills in the digital era. Good communication skills are very important to achieve success in various fields of life.