Workshop LPPM Unram Improves Journal Management and Quality

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held a Journal Management and Capacity Building Workshop. This activity took place in the LPPM Main Conference Room attended by 100 journal management officers at the University of Mataram on Wednesday (24/1).
The meeting was attended by the Vice Rector for Finance & General Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sukardi, M.Pd.; accompanied by the Head of SPI, Abdullah Zainuddin, S.T., M.T.; Secretary of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, M.P.; and Head of Publication, Conference and IPR Center, Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Si., Ph.D.
Journals play a key role in the development of knowledge and science. Journals allow researchers to publish their research discoveries, which can be examined, evaluated, and used by other researchers. They are a vital instrument for disseminating the latest knowledge and research results to the scientific community at large. In addition, journals also allow researchers to document and preserve their discoveries for future generations.
Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, M.P. as the Secretary of LPPM in his speech said that the purpose of this activity was to assist the preparation of several journals that have entered the reaccreditation period and several new journals that have not been accredited. In addition, it is also necessary to prepare to apply for SINTA accreditation and to provide strategies for journal managers in improving the quality of their governance towards journals that are able to be indexed internationally. Through the implementation of this activity, he hopes that journal managers will be more enthusiastic, so that in the coming year, journals that have not been accredited will be accredited immediately, and journals that are currently reaccredited can increase their SINTA ranking, and more journals will be globally indexed.
In the field of research and science, journals and their managers play a vital role in disseminating knowledge, facilitating scientific communication, and enabling researchers to share their findings with the global scientific community. While journals play an important role in the development of science, there are several challenges that the research community needs to face. One of them is the fierce competition to get articles published in prestigious journals. In addition, the cost of access to some locked or subscription journals can be a barrier for researchers who want to access scientific information. Despite some challenges in journal publication, the role of journals in the development of science remains irreplaceable.
The Vice Rector for Finance & General Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sukardi, M.Pd., emphasized that, “In this era of globalization, improving the quality and consistency of journals is important for higher education institutions. LPPM Unram’s strategic step through this workshop is one of the efforts expected to improve the quality of journals at Unram and expand the reach and impact of the research produced”.
Strategies to improve the quality of journal management at Unram also became the main focus of discussion. In order to achieve standardization and uniformity, journal managers shared experiences and ideas to optimize the editorial, review, and publishing processes. Concrete steps were identified to improve the quality of content and increase the competitiveness of Unram journals at the national and international levels.
On this occasion, the Head of the Center for Publications, Conferences and IPR, Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Si., Ph.D., emphasized the importance of collaboration between centers and related parties in achieving this success. “Improving the quality of journal management is not only the responsibility of individuals or one center. This is our joint work to achieve high standards and make a significant contribution to the scientific world,” said Prof. Aris.
This Journal Management and Capacity Building Workshop reflects the commitment of LPPM Unram in producing high-quality research and increasing global reputation. With collaboration between stakeholders, as one of the efforts to continue to develop as a center of academic excellence at the national and international levels.