WR II Unram Inaugurates Echelon III and IV Officials in the Scope of Unram

Mataram, University of Mataram – Vice Rector for Finance and General Affairs of the University of Mataram (Unram), Prof. Dr. Sukardi, M.Pd. inaugurated and took the oath of office of Echelon III Head of General Section and Echelon IV Head of General Subdivision within Unram. The event took place solemnly on Thursday (22/2) morning at the M. Yusuf Abu Bakar Auditorium Unram.
The 12 officials inaugurated were Lalu Mustiasih, S.Sos. as Head of the General Section of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education; Muhammad Ramdhan Hadi Wiryo, S.Kom., M.M. as Head of the General Section of the Faculty of Law, Social Sciences, and Political Sciences; Lalu Muh. Isnaini, S.E. as Head of the General Section of the Faculty of Economics and Business; Muhamad Rum, S.H., M.AP. as Head of the General Section of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Furthermore, Susila Karyati, S.Kom. as Head of the General Department of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry; Dra. Tita as Head of the General Department of the Faculty of Engineering; Then Sulman, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Head of the General Department of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Kamarudin, S.E. as Head of the General Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Next, Muh. Ridwan Amin, S.Kom. as Head of the General Section of the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry; Jinasih, S.Adm. as Head of the Postgraduate General Subdivision; Roni Paslan, S.Adm. as Head of the LPPM General Subdivision; and Nurul Hamdiah, S.Adm. as Head of the LPMPP General Subdivision.
Vice Rector for Finance and General Affairs, Prof Sukardi, in his speech said that the inauguration and oath taking of echelon III and IV officials was an important step in strengthening administration and management in Unram. He emphasised the importance of the roles and responsibilities of the new officials in supporting various academic and administrative activities in the faculties and other work units at Unram.
“Your job is to set the rhythm, maintain consistency in decision-making, provide fast and precise services. Otherwise, the organisational structure will be disrupted. So your job then is to organise, do whatever is best in each section, do things that can motivate our staff down there. And reward them if they show good performance. When people are appreciated, they will give full attention to their work,” said Prof Sukardi.
Prof Sukardi also expressed his hope that the newly appointed officials can carry out their duties with dedication, integrity, and professionalism. They are expected to be able to make a positive contribution in an effort to improve the quality of services and administrative management at Unram.
This inauguration is also a momentum to strengthen synergy and collaboration between various work units at Unram in order to achieve Unram’s vision and mission.