The Bureau of General Affairs and Finance
The Bureau of General Affairs and Finance (BUK) has the task of carrying out affairs, administration, law, governance, public relations, home affairs, staffing, finance, and management of state property. In carrying out its duties, BUK carries out functions, namely:
- Implementation of administrative affairs
- Implementation of legal and constitutional affairs
- Implementation of public relations affairs
- Implementation of personnel affairs
- Implementation of financial and accounting affairs
- Implementation of household affairs
- Implementation of the management of state property.
The Bureau of Academic, Student Affairs, and Planning
The Bureau of Academic, Student Affairs, and Planning has the task of carrying out services in the fields of academics, cooperation, student affairs and planning. In carrying out its duties, BAKP carries out functions, namely:
- Implementation of the preparation of plans, programs and budgets
- Implementation of evaluation of program implementation and budget
- Implementation of unram development plan preparation
- Implementation of education, research, and community service services
- Implementation of evaluation of education, research, and community service
- Implementation of registration and student data
- Implementation of matters of fostering interests, talents, and student welfare
- Implementation of the preparation of alumni data and other alumni affairs
- Coordination and implementation of domestic and foreign cooperation affairs.